About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


"Real funny...reeeeeeal fucking funny..."

I haven't seen any spiders around my office in three days. What the fuck are they planning?

I have a friend who will be able to tell us the exact name and model of that submarine.....honest.

Not a cat fan, ya'll, but.....

If you watch the movie "127 Hours" backwards, then it's about a man finding his arm in the desert.

TRUE:  Birthers.  What can I say? 
Here's what they now say....

Well, in a 2006 poll, 22.6% of Democrats said it was "very likely"; and 28.2% said it was "somewhat likely" that Bush was complicit in the 9/11 terror attacks.

Have we all lost our collective sanity?

"You should believe my crazy story instead of that guy's crazy story."
"Thank you, Mohammed."

"Oh, dear!"

Our closest relatives...unless you believe the bible...

Holocaust jokes aren't funny, anne frankly I don't think them entertaining.

(is that monkey wearing a diaper?)

Poor little bastard.

Like a boss.

"Yeah? Well, fuck you and the horse you rode in on....I mean that literally."

Speaking of fornication....

I always like to post one image just for my wife....

"Luke, I am your father."
That's what I said in the delivery room when my daughter came out of her mom's lady parts.

Speaking of birds...
A half albino peacock...something you don't see every day...

"Who you callin' a bitch, bitch?!?!"

Your day will go the way the corners of your mouth turn.

Not a fan of putting animals in cages (no matter how big and state of the art they are) just for humans' amusement. I know there are breeding programs, saving orphan cubs, etc, but I still don't like them.

Dear Life,
When I said, "Can my day get any worse", it was just a rhetorical question...not a challenge.

Speaking of sharks....

A book cover....
Same book cover in Iran....

If the photographer of this image had a friend with him, they would have made a bet on this motherfucker...

This also reeks of a little too "zooish" for my taste....

Speaking of lions...
One of my very own...


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