About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

FUN WITH LANGUAGE......and stuff

I've been pretty fucking busy of late, so not much commentary. Some of these, though, are very funny.

 The lady above was presented with this question on "Who Want's To Be a Millionaire" hosted by a female emcee. She said, "I know Jupiter is Roman, but I can't put my finger on Ur-an-us." Yeah, it was funny.....but not funny enough to download then upload the video.

My wife tells me I have too many typos in my posts. I'm sorry. I will try to do better, but like most folks, if spellcheck don't pick it up, then........

And I'm sure your father is very proud...

I tried butt sex with my wife the other night, but I think I was doing it wrong. No matter how hard I pushed, I couldn't get my whole butt in her pussy.
(Yeah, I'm fucking awful)


This sign, I thought funny. But on a serious note, why in the fuck should we waste water with flushing a urinal after every use? If there is an odor, flush it. Otherwise pee at will, men. It's good for the environment.

My old friend juxtaposition is back....

I'm sure he was "painfully" missed....

My daughter loves charts...so I offer her...............charts....

I'm not a snob...I just have a low bullshit tolerance.

If Cinderella's shoe fit perfectly, how come it fell off?

Read that again!

Now we can't even trust our olfactories...

A lot of people seem obliged to have a viewpoint.

I've bought a bunch of gold and silver. I may not make money, but it sure as shit ain't going to ever be worth zero.

Interesting comments a couple of days ago on this subject. It may be worth your time to look it up.

 I was cutting through Fort Gordon in Georgia when a soldier stopped me at a dirt road crossing. I got out of my truck and within minutes the ground shook under me. It was scary as shit. Then I heard the tanks. Dozens and dozens of them zoomed across the road, only feet from my truck, at full speed. It was a sight to behold.

For you new readers, you should know that I love clever protest signs....

If you've never been in college, then skip this next one....

It is very hard to flirt with a girl in the drugstore who is buying a pregnancy test....I see that now.

This is my new mantra....

Well, shit......

Oh, look, juxtaposition again......
That's fucking awesome.

TRUE:   I heard that the reason that pirates wore hoop earrings was that in case they had to jump overboard or whatever, they would still have money, since the earrings were gold. Further, it's rather hard to steal while you sleep.
(Late finding - someone just told me the earrings were to pay for their funeral. Maybe.)


One of my very own....



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