About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I'm back with a quick effort...hope you enjoy

Still too tired to give you my best. Here are a few quick items the I pray amuses you.


Sorry the font is so small in this reproduction, but it's the best I can do....
 I love language. So, here's my point. Who's terminology is "wrong"? Well....none of them. So if all the red states from the map utilize the word "ain't", then are they wrong? I say lighten up and enjoy the diversity. Language is about communication, and if you can't seem to grasp to meaning of the word "ain't" then who really has a problem; the speaker or the speakee? You get my point.

"Darlin', is that the best towel you could get to cover your privates?"
 (Injured children smiling....just wait....)

 I didn't get it either...I thought it was a withered fruit of some kind....

How about this one?
 Yeah, I missed it too....

 I present a child that was not brainwashed as a child.
 That, gentle readers, is a young Stephen Hawking.

The internet is going to run this off the charts.
Here's the early entries....

This is about as cool as it gets....and I mean that....
 And this child is smiling....I want to meet this kid.


I predict that the government will shut down this shit within six months....

This has got to wake you dumbass up....

I've mentioned it before. I've seen thousands...but read on...

This shit is true, boys and girls.....

A guy put ads on Craig's Lists all over the country that asked all the fucking lunatics who believe in this May 21st bullshit to give him their shit. I mean it. He wants people who think that their bodies will evaporate and float to heaven to give him everything they own, since they won't need it.............I want to meet this guy.

 I wonder....as a caring co-worker....would it be okay to assist?
I can't let this go yet....if you had this...."disorder", would you pose for the article?!?..............maybe

Meanwhile in Syria.....

One of my very own....with a little help from a dear friend..

 Most of you men were thinking exactly what I was thinking.
Now I know what all you men are thinking....

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