About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 8, 2011


If you don't mind, would you please click the word "comments" below and just tell me what you ate for breakfast.  If you didn't eat breakfast today, please tell me the last breakfast you ate. You can click the anonymous button if you want and nobody will know who you are. 

I will tally the results as soon as I get back off the road from this mural gig.


Ralph Henry said...

Two eggs fried, bacon, grits, white bread toast, coffee, ice water.

Lara said...

Coffee, OJ, and scrambled eggs with bacon bits in it (it's Sunday or else I wouldn't eat breakfast).

Anonymous said...

Bacon egg & cheese sandwich from Wendy's

Anonymous said...

Homemade ham egg and cheese biscuits and coffee.

Anonymous said...

6 crackers with tuna. I was in a hurry-Mel

Anonymous said...

blueberry pancakes and bacon with YOU sat .morning.
your wife who loves you very much
PS: True Story: A cop in 5 Points had someone call him the other day to say the reefer they bought on Harden St (near Food Lion) was no good and he thought it wasn't the "real stuff". The cop declined to go after the "fake dealer".

Wrekreation said...

sesame bagel toasted with plain cream cheese

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