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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I like the way my dick looks. I tell it so often. Many nights I have my wife tell it what a fine specimen it is. But circumcision is about much more than beauty.
In my opinion, cutting off ANY part of an infant is mutilation. If it is done for some obscure religious reason I would still disapprove, but could manage to find some logic (though twisted) in the traditional mandate.
If, however, if it is done for no reason whatsoever, other than 'everybody else does it', then I have very serious reservations.
They start so young nowadays...

Why is this image in a post about genitalia and human excretion?
Because that one motherfucker has the biggest set of balls on the planet, that's why.

Believe it or not....you decide....

I can only assume that the old man if fucking the chicken...

Is this where dollhouse furniture comes from?

Those zany asians....

If you didn't laugh at that....well, you are hopeless... 

This guy is fucking set!!! (oh, my, I made a little pun)

TRUE: Tonight a friend of mine was shown something pretty interesting. He said, "I've been to three county fairs and two goat fuckings and I ain't never seen anything like that.
( now you know why I hang out at the American Legions )

I found out what Tentacle Porn is. It's a Jap animation about aliens and earth women and...well, you get the point.

This is an example of stupid shit people do, but this one has a twist....read on....
("It is not illegal to have sex in a public place", but it IS illegal to exhibit sex organs."?!?!?!  Well, there's your problem, mayor.)
(But, bleach?!? That must have been some nasty sex, in that not even your feet could be allowed to touch the tainted spot)

( I have no idea why that's funny, but it had the word "dick" in it and therefore it was included )


Now let's get serious.....very serious.
One of the people I love most in the whole wide world told me that she visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC, and she was shocked....SHOCKED...that there were so many photos and films of naked people being shown when children were present.

Think about that a moment.  There were pictures of corpses, firing squads, hanged people, etc, etc, but what offended this person was.....the nudity.

I say....fuck nudity. I want to run naked in the streets anytime I feel the urge and if you are offended, then shut your fucking eyes.....like these people....
Nudity is the natural state, ya'll. Clothes were an afterthought because we humans got cold. Somehow it stuck.
Now, no matter how hot it is, we are required under the penalty of law to clothe ourselves. Who came up with that bullshit?

We all know how great it feels to be naked...yet, it is forbidden.  WHY?

Now, people pay huge sums of money to look upon naked people....usually naked women.
This is a stripper's one night earnings. How sick is that?
It's okay to pay someone to walk around naked, but it's illegal for you to walk around naked for free?!?!

Now I ask you men, if you were driving down the road and saw a sign that said "All Girl Band" and then at the night spot next door was a sign that said "All Nude Girl Band"; which one do you think gets the most business.
Why? Because we LIKE nudity, goddamnit!!!

From all the evidence I've seen, people all over the fucking world are dying to get naked and do so often. I've shown you hundreds of examples in my blog. Yet, it's illegal. Please, somebody tell me why.
Especially you women. Why is it okay for a man to walk around without a shirt and it is against the law for a woman to do the same? If I were a woman, I would be up in arms over this blatant discrimination.

Oh, and don't try and tell me that seeing naked people turn some men into rapists and such.
I can turn around and show you men who get a hard on looking a women's purses or Disney characters or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich...on whole wheat...lightly toasted.

America has gotten so deeply into nude-phobia that we freak out over breast feeding...one of the most beautiful of all activities.
TRUE (I swear): Just tonight I was talking to a seemingly intelligent fellow who said something like this with disgust: "I was sitting there minding my own business and this woman just whipped her boob out and started breast feeding her baby!"
Needless to say, I don't sit still for blatant ignorance like that, and managed, with some effort, to return the guy to sanity...or at least I hope I did.

Further, it's sad when we think that allowing little Johnny to watch movies of people being blown up and/or beheaded and playing very violent video games is preferable to them viewing the natural human form.
Listen up, guys! We are not nasty. Our bodies are not objects that we should be ashamed of. You don't have to live with any sort of innate guilt. Eve did not leave us with inherited sin.  You are a beautiful creation that should be celebrated.


I present this image for one reason. The guy on the left has broken protocol. Not because he showing his ass (literally) to total strangers, but that he's showing his ass to total strangers while talking on his cell phone. Bad form, sir.
Further, why do both of these men have their pants down to pee. It's simply not necessary....if you have a dick long enough to stick out beyond the waist band.

See? If she had just been allowed to be naked, that old guy wouldn't have had to contort himself like that.

Do you recognize this...sort of? 
It ends with one of these men having a dick used on him in a very rude manner.

You can tell by the mens' smiles that she is not describing them.
That Michele is one proud wife. Bravo, girl...well played!

This is not funny....just move along to the cork...


If your name is "Weiner" and you hold public office, don't tempt fate in any way...you are already on borrowed time.

Is this an example of peanut envy?
Listen up guys....if your dick is way shorter than your scrotum, then I have some bad news for you.

TRUE: I was having lunch with my wife today at a local Bar/Restaurant. Our favorite bartender asked us if we were enjoying our meal and I said, "Well, I had to warn my wife not to eat with her mouth open, cause she sounds like an army of vaginas marching through the mud."

One of my very own....

Why is one of her arms shorter than the other?

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