About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 19, 2011


I'm not even sure what this is, but if it's increasing this fast, I know it's bad....

Check this out....

Now read this...

I am of the opinion that Ronald Reagan won the Cold War by just outspending the Soviet Union and running it into bankruptcy when they tried to play catch up. Those assholes were bogged down in Afghanistan and we were building fancy super-expensive weapons....game over.   
Well? How do you feel about your $12,000 that you owe for building roads in a primitive country that WANTS to remain primitive no matter what we do?  

This is dated but still interesting....
 (did you notice that the only up in the illustration was silver....they didn't have any gold)

 I learned something today. I joked that I would love to get bags and bags of marijuana seeds and just drive around and spread them like Johnny Appleseed.....producing so many plants that it would overpower eradication efforts.
Well, I was told that I would have to remove all the "male" plants, otherwise the plants would be almost worthless.
Apparently, the female plant will flower with a male nearby, and that's not good. She must not flower...which is a pretty cool phrase.
I don't know why, but I was impressed with my friend's knowledge.

The next time you complain about the heat...remember this.
(funny this....I just looked at that last image and realized it must be AT LEAST 50 years old.....but you get my point)

 I find the timing interesting. They sit on the rating problem for years, then S&P drops US to AA+ and they find themselves in court.

Dear readers,
What more do I have to do to get on al-Qaeda's hit list? I've been trying for years and they ignore me.  I mean, come on you blood thirsty motherfuckers, what else can I do?

 Problematic, indeed.

This is supposed to be quite serious...

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