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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 19, 2011



It pisses me off that even one more troop will be killed in this senseless war.
 The price is not just to life or limb.
These people are scarred for life.
 And I weep when I think of their loved ones...

I know there are evils in the world that need mending.
Here are women who were detained in the Egyptian protests. They are being taken to a "Virginity Check".
If they are unmarried...well, figure it out.
My point is, the world has great evil, but who are we to shoulder the full brunt of making it all better?

 Artists who try to "Make Their Mark" (no pun intended) by doing stupid talentless shit pisses me off.

 Extremists piss me off.

 That young smart people who graduate with remote chances of employment pisses me off.

 Really, insanely rich people piss me off....but maybe that's just me.

 It pisses me off that we don't look into alternative ways to fund things we really want to do.

 It pisses me off that bills come to us so complex that the phone company include completely invented charges since they know we won't be able to find them.

 It pisses me off that we have had to give up on creating normal mundane things with great beauty. Sad that.

It pisses me off that very soon we won't be able to do anything with out an eye scan or some other shit that will tell some minimum wage dolt everything there is to know about us.

 Fucking up our living space pisses me off.

It pisses me off when people fuck with me on the internet just because they can. Take a look at this image.
 At first it's no big deal, and you may even want to buy one. But with just a little investigation you see that there's no way this could really exist.

 It pisses me off that the same people who smoked dope in college are now the judges, lawmakers, and cops that fuck with young people just doing what young people do. 
No...I really mean it...that pisses me off!

It pisses me off when people talk about taking my weapons. But it also pisses me off that people are allowed to purchase weapons with the sole purpose of killing people. Yeah, I know, my jury is still out. 

 It pisses me off that Christians seem to have missed the whole fucking message of Jesus.

 The hue and cry over the unemployment problem in the black community needing more help than the same problem in the other communities pisses me off. They seem to forget the dismal graduation rates in the black community. I think it's called paying the piper.

 Young anarchists piss me off. They have no idea how soon they would all be somebody's bitches crying for their mama.

Grammar Nazi's piss me off....we are busy...cut us some slack...

 Falling asleep in the Botox chair after telling your doctor to keep going until you tell him to stop pisses me off.

 Women who have their picture taken and don't bother to clean their feet pisses me off.

 People who spend huge sums of money to spend the night in an ice hotel just so they can say they did pisses me off.

 People who enter games then get pissed off when they lose pisses me off.

 Dressing stupid does not piss me off. Being photographed looking stupid does not piss me off. But complaining when it gets on the internet does piss me off.

 Having inadequate bathrooms pisses me off. I was once at a football game and when I went to the bathroom I found that it was just a tile wall with a trough. The men standing at the wall were standing a good two feet apart, despite the men's knowledge that dozens of other men were waiting.
When the guy in front of me took his place at the wall, I walked up, stated that they were too fucking far apart and moved in. Now, instead of 5 there were 6 men peeing at once. When I finished, I looked back and found that the arrangement at the wall had reverted back to 5 men...two foot separation. 

 It pisses me off that my friend, Kent, has been a Chicago Cub fan forever and....well, you know.

 Being denied the right to smoke in a bar pisses me off.
I would rather deal with the problem this way: Have three stickers that can be affixed to an establishment's door. One is an S, meaning Smoking Everywhere. The other is an S with a slash through it, meaning No Smoking Anywhere. And lastly both, meaning they have smoking and non-smoking sections. Then just sit back and let the good old free enterprise take over. If the guy who allowed smoking everywhere got no customers, then he has a decision to make.  You get my point.

Stupid people piss me off...

It pisses me off that there are more deaths in the army from suicide than combat wounds....

Porn laws piss me off....

It pisses me off that our country has painted ourselves into a corner so tight that now we are going to have to dismember parts of ourselves to escape...


I once had a supervisor who ended meetings with this statement: Anyone with any questions can stay after we adjourn...thank you.  It pisses me off when everyone has to sit while some dolt asks his/her stupid ass questions...

It pisses me off that people think texting and/or talking on the phone does not distract them...

It pisses me off that so many of my friends loathe their jobs....

One of my very own....


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