About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I took a roadtrip yesterday with a dear friend. I one point we got lost and it was decided for me to combine getting gas with asking for directions in one stop. 
My friend had a stroke a while back that left him on crutches and is now undergoing chemo and radiation for cancers.
Anyway, the pump wouldn't accept my credit card, so I headed inside. As I did so I noticed that from his open door (due to the heat) my friend was having a conversation with a late middle-aged black man. As I walked around the front of the truck I pointed to my friend and said, "Ask him how to get to Rimini."
When I came out and finished fueling, I asked my friend if the black guy had told him how to get to Rimini.
Here's the story: The guy was asked how to get to Rimini and having noticed all the parking change I keep in my console had said that he would tell him for 60 cents. My friend said that he didn't have 60 cents and the man asked about the money in the console. My friend said that it wasn't his, since he (my friend) was, in fact, a hitchhiker and the owner of the truck (me) was kind enough to give him a ride....then my friend displayed his crutches.
The bum (black guy) then became kindred souls with my friend and confided that he was from New Jersey and had never even heard of Rimini.
We did find our way, but I didn't have my first beer until almost 5pm...which is not a good thing.

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