About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, September 9, 2011


It still bothers me that we lock magnificent animals up just for our own amusement...

This little kid hit it right on the head...

I once posted this first image, then I found that there's bulletproof glass between the zoo visitors and the beast.
Imagine placing human prisoners just inches away from their favorite food, but never allowing them to touch it.

I took a multiple choice test once that had "All of the above" was below "None of the above".

Modern people still love their family. This is five generations and a cool as shit photo.
But it bothers me that the young people don't take care of the old people, but in all honesty, a whole bunch of old people don't want to live with their children.

These stupid ass wars are really starting to piss me off.

Whatever doesn't kill you will probably just try again.

These are the last thing about life at home that these men remember.

When not shooting at and being shot at, these soldiers have the amazing ability to shift gears and hand out candy to children. Think about that.

Some (too many) leave part of themselves in the war zone.

Some leave it all...

We all know what we were told is our enemy...

Forgetting, of course, our own history...

Sin is an imaginary disease invented to sell you an imaginary cure.

I was asked once if I believed that there's intelligent life on other planets. I answered that there's barely any intelligent life on this planet.

I've always liked reuse. This one is rather troubling, though....

We humans seem to be dead set on doing everything we can possibly do to destroy our planet...
But the planet will never be destroyed by us. We will simply destroy ourselves.

Our leaders have really let us down. I agree with the majority of the country who want to throw all the bums out.

A good lawyer knows the law.
A great lawyer knows the judge.

Those bums in Washington don't do what needs to be done and keep doing the stupid shit that doesn't need to be done.
Case #1:
By now you know how I feel about being prohibited from doing something (just about anything) by my government.
Making millions of Americans criminals with the stroke of the pen....what assholes.
But remember what they say....If you smoke it you will see the devil and he'll try and rip your heart out through your knee caps.

With all due respect, we used to have a government who took bold moves for the good of all. Where are these leaders now?

The religious right is so rigid that they have completely lost sight of the message they purport to adhere...

I am a proud Southerner.
And it pisses me off what a small group of ignorant people have turned the flag of part of my heritage into a symbol of hate.

One of the great debates in America concerns abortion.
Well.....it IS a difficult concept for some of us.

This starts my views much better than I could...
Elitist fools!!

Even if I believed the message, I probably wouldn't join an organized religion. This chart is dead on in my opinion.

Right before our eyes we average Americans are getting poorer and poorer....

There's a new phrase out now...BLANK-COLLAR WORKERS: Formerly middle-class workers who will never be middle-class again and who will never come to terms with that.

I heard that times are so bad that the Treasure Island Casino in Las Vegas is now under the control of Somali pirates.

And what do churches do about the needs of the truly poor? Spend millions on fancy trimmings to impress these very same people....

And with all the problems we have, what do the young people do? Invent stupid shit to do so they can have their pictures put on the internet.
It's only embarrassing if you care what people think.

There are people who try to at least help a little...
My wife helps a lot....just another reason I love her.

You know your country is in trouble when about half of the people don't pay any taxes.

I found this interesting...
Do I want poor welfare people to suffer?
If by suffer you mean not having a cell phone or a big TV or fancy nails or a car better than mine, etc.
I want them to look like poor people. I want the to patch their clothing. I want them to eat cheat food. I want them to thank all the tax payers every time they use food stamps in a grocery store...and I want them to mean it.

This just about says it all.
When you think of the quality of our TV programming, you wonder what went wrong.

There are dozens of shows about ghosts, UFO's, ESP, etc.
If you don't know who this guy is....congratulations.
Didn't we outgrow the whole vampire thing hundreds of years ago?
So why are we still looking for them?

How many people watched that hour long show on blood diamonds? Besides me....

I have heard numerous advisors say that the best thing to do in this economy is to open your own business. Find something that people want and give it to them.
This is a beer delivery service....brilliant!
This would probably work, too....

Speaking of good ideas, this is the business card of a landscape architect. You dampen it, put it on the window ledge and it grows to show their proposal for your property....brilliant!

Of course, you can't make money on all good ideas.
By the way, this works.

But this ergonomic mouse should have been invented years ago....

When I saw this, it got me to thinking...

Since I have arrived at old, I actually care about things more.

I like to give advice to young(er) people for the simple reason that I have been there, done that.

I have reached the age where I can let go of the bullshit...
When I give advice I use my blog mostly...
Sometimes I feel the need to cloak the advice in humor.

I've always tried to make people laugh...even my children...
 Of course, I'm the dad who told his kids that when the ice cream truck was playing music it meant they had run out of ice cream.

And what the fuck has happened to education?
How stupid can we get?
(if you didn't see anything funny about the above poster...look at it again)

Do you think that 40 years ago some people wouldn't know how to open a fucking door?!?

Check out this insanity...

It's as if some people care more about animals than they do about people. That just ain't right, ya'll.

Interestingly (at least to me) I found this online...
 I found it right after my bartender and I had a discussion about Michael Jackson "owning" Happy Birthday, which effectively killed it since no one sings it anymore because of the royalties.

I have talked to people, some of them politically active, who will not vote for anyone for president unless somebody else comes into the race. I agree.

Americans have given up. We Americans aren't used to giving up. We know we are fucking and we know that there ain't a damn thing we can do about it.

Our god is dead.....

What comes after rampant consumerism? Who the fuck knows?

In my opinion, the best artist have taken to the streets. One reason they are doing it is that NOBODY is buying art from galleries anymore.
I like the street art that makes a social commentary most.

Remember the national pride of landing on the moon? Well, those days are long gone.

The best things in life are actually really expensive.

One of my very own....


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Found a weather website you might like. Thefuckingweather.com
- margaret

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