About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Believe it or not, there are many ties in horse racing, but very, very few triple ties...here are but two....

They say so many people die because of alcohol.
They never realized how many of them are born because of it.

This, gentle readers, is fucking awesome...
 "It still works".

I go to a lot of web sites, and as soon as I hear "Congratulations, you have won" I never go there again.
How come they don't know that?

That I am allowed to look at this amazes me....

This is GREAT!!!

Grandma's House is the place cousins go to become best friends.

Do you have any idea how hard this is to do? Well, I do, and I think it's great....

I have a dear friend with a Harley and every time I see a road like this I think of him...

Notice that the two halves fit together...

These may be reposts....but I still like them...

My wife told me she thought I should start working out. I reminded her that she had once told me she like me just the way I was and she said, "I lied."

A chunk of brick wall falls in the river, gets tumbled for miles and ends up the same shape as the river rock. Kind of cool....

An East German soldier jumping to freedom.
 I just hope he didn't have any family, because it would have gotten very unpleasant for them.

Probably another repost....but DAMN, ya'll....


See how many you can name...

Do you know how difficult my life would be if my wife also loved newspaper crosswords?

I am so sick of girls photographing themselves in bathrooms like this. My guess is the creator of this hates it also...

There's an artist some damn place that paints weird shit on top of old masters....here is but one...

Know something that other people don't know? There is a website (Answer.com) that guarantees they can answer any question you have, in real time. You type in a question and an expert comes on to discuss it with you until you are satisfied.
The thing I found interesting is that the experts get $8 an hour for typing shit on the keyboard.
Anybody think I ought to enter my name for murals?

 Now place you finger across where they join.

These are make-believe toys to accompany movies....

This toy took me some time and if there was a hell I would surely end up there for posting this....

I expected that the Air and Space Museum would be empty.

Either you agree this is a great idea or you are not a beer drinker and/or male....

This guy printed up stickers that he pastes all over products like this...

Oh, yeah.....

"Failure is at the end of the path of least persistence."

This is a statue of Yuri Gagarin in London.
 This was the very first man in space. I say every fucking country on earth should have a statue of him.

A combination tent and hammock....oh, yeah....

You can probably guess why this grave is protected, but my question is....Why in the name of sanity would anyone be allowed to be buried with valuables?

If you don't know why this is awesome...it's okay...it really is....

Ready for this? In England they have a national effort afoot to persuade Brits that eating bugs is cool. I think this is something we all might want to get a handle on.

All you young parents, pay attention....Using everyday objects to teach lessons is the best. I used a single light source and a tennis ball for my daughter.

There is a juxtaposition thing going on here....

Fuck you, too, fence...

I know this looks like a parking violation "boot", but it probably isn't...yet still worth looking at...

How I loathed these things....

(sorry the font is so small, but it's my EXACT sentiment)

When I met my wife I knew I wanted to get my shit together. I need to thank her again for that.

(I found that cartoon very, very clever...it's a visual thing)

If you don't know why this is funny, it's okay...it really is...

One of my very own...


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