About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


First, some international news....

An amazing thing is happening in America. Everybody is pissed off. Most people find it exceedingly easy to blame the corporations...they are very easy to hate.
 But keep in mind that your retirement fund directly depends on these same villains doing very well. 

I know the corporations are stealing from us by gaming the system...
 ...but the gaming is just not at the top.

Then there is all the confusion concerning taxing one group of people and not another.

EVERYBODY wants lower taxes...including the corporations. The problem, of course, arises when the big money boys can literally buy a candidate...and usually hedge their bets by buying Democrats and Republicans in the same race.

Then there are the college students. Imagine running up $100,000 in debt, then graduating into an economy where there are no jobs. And remember, nothing can save you from repayment of the student loan...not even bankruptcy. 

There are a whole bunch of people out there trying to tell you what to think. Tread with care my friends.

I try to do this every fucking day. Be careful when someone, even you, declares the knowledge of the "truth". Everyone is guessing...some of us just have a better crap detectors than others....

And lastly....
Here is a headline recently...
Now, I'm no fan of Rick Perry, but are we to hold it against every candidate for what some property USED to be called?

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