About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


As I understand it, congress has blinked on the SOPA fiasco.....

And on the same day the blinking was announced, here's what they did....

A guy at the American Legion tried to explain the evils of piracy this way:
"Well, what if you wrote a book and one person bought it and then hundreds of people got to read it for free and you didn't make any money!"
I replied, "You, sir, have just described libraries."

Web sites have begun to crash all over the country. Don't underestimate their power. 

If you don't remember this guy, it's okay...it really is...

Now there's NDAA to worry about. This is the bill that Obama signed even though he didn't like it and would never use it. It gives every president the power to throw any citizen in jail with out charges, lawyer or trial......indefinitely.
Here's what Colbert has to say about it:
"We will not lock up American's indefinitely....eventually, they will die."

This man is rolling over in his grave....

I'm sick and tired of the whole election process, but this nailed it.

My awesome wife was elected to be another queen of something or other. I'm very proud of her even if it means she won't be able to ride with me in the parade on my golf cart.

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