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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, February 19, 2012



If you found out that I gave 10% of my income to this lady, what advice would you give me?
What if every logical argument you offered was spurned by me with one simple word.....Faith.
"I have faith in this lady."
What would you tell me; supposing you really, really liked me and thought that I was a worthy human being. 

Scenario No. 2:
What if I told you that my unmarried daughter was pregnant, but she told me an angel appeared and did it to her.
What advice would you give me?.......Seriously. What words would you use?

What if I was one of those people who "knew" that ancient aliens had visited earth and that I had found the "proof"; however, I stated "facts" that could not possibly be true. What words would you use to reveal my errant ways? 
(Point 1: The millions of animals could not fit on that boat.
Point 2: How did he get such beasts as polar bears and kangaroos?)

Now, dear, dear believers whom I deem worthy, why is it forbidden for you to use logic when reading your book?

Unknown does not equate with proof of anything.

If whatever can't be disproved is true, then you have opened up a hilarious can of worms.....
But many religious tenets have been disproved by science: the earth is not the center of the universe, nor the sun.
Evolution, even if it's called a "theory", is still being investigated by some very smart people to PROVE what parts we have right and which parts we have gotten wrong.
So why is religion immune to logical investigation? 
Now go back to the very first image in this post and read it again.

So, as usual, let's poke gentle fun at people who hold as fact what is openly called mere faith.

Dear Adults,
I like most people I have ever met. You readers are probably good people, and I can offer you my opinion and you can think about it or reject it,
But please don't blind you children to options. I let my children go to church. I let them read Christian stories. I did, or I hope I did, let them make up their own minds.
Please, for the love of sanity, have the decency to do the same for yours.

"Oh, but they need a moral compass" you say?
The moral guidance imperative is the weakest of all.
Have you been paying attention to the Republican party wielding the Christian sword to smite down abortion and contraception? 

If, gentle reader, you have stayed with me this long, you may enjoy figuring out how to read this.

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