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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


That ESPN made this pun does not repulse me.
What repulses me is that CNN reporting of the incident revealed CNN's decision not to show or say the word "chink" on the air. Is this what we've come to after 10,000 years of culture building? This is the best a mature audience can expect from a news organization? How exactly can I teach my daughters that a word is offensive unless they hear it used in context?
Further, it reminds me of bleepers substituting "frigging" for "fucking". What exactly would you tell your 5 year old if she asked what frigging meant? That it was a naughty word, right? Well? What's the frigging point?
My daughter asked me what would happen if she used a naughty word we were discussing and I told her that many people would think less of her. She asked if I used the word and I told her I did, but I was very careful where and around whom I used it. That seemed to take.

Shit I didn't know....this came from the Boy Scout Handbook....

TRUE: Long term space stays damage the eyes, sometimes irreversibly. It is now considered problem No.1 for Mars trips.
For whatever reasons, the back of the eyeball flattens, but interestingly, only in male astronauts. 

I know I'm repeating myself, but living without protection is just silly.

TRUE: The winds on Neptune blow faster than the speed of sound.

I find it very interesting that there are only a couple of dozen women who have ever lived could say this to their husbands and actually mean it. Mrs. Neil Armstrong comes to mind.

Realizing that the world is a sometimes dangerous place, I did my best to instill crap detectors in my daughters, but when they watched me to see how life was supposed to be lived, I made sure I was enjoying it to the fullest.

I do not hate the Boys Scouts because a few of its troop leaders abused little boys.
I do hate the Catholic Church because a few of its priests abused little boys.
The difference, of course, is that the Boys Scout leadership didn't merely send a guilty troop leader to another troop when the problem was exposed.
Many, many people need to go to jail, with the investigation going all the way to the Vatican; all mail, all emails, all confessions....everything.

Without trying to turn this into a Sunday Anti-Sermon, I offer you this:
My family is the best family ever.
My city is the best city ever.
My state is the best state ever.
My football favorite is the best ever.
My country is the best country ever.
My country's form of government is the best.
My race is the best race ever.
My religion is the best religion ever.
Of course, the only problem with all that is that it was all an accident of your fucking birth...like flipping a cosmic coin.
So please, get over your smugness and come on down here in the sameness of diversity with the rest of us.

You are of value. It is a lonely difficult road to fulfillment, but it is well worth the journey if you just give it some time.....and time is what you have in abundance.

But why take my advice for it when everybody and their brother have been giving it to you for a long time?

Well, for one, I never asked you to cheer up, etc. I only ask you be be a miserable motherfucker for a while longer and trust this old man when he tells you that it will get better....or at least tolerable.

Gentle reader, meet despair, rage and impotence all rolled into one......

This man is not getting out of a burning airplane. He is getting into a burning airplane to save the pilot.

I probably post my admiration for these motherfuckers more than I should, but I can't help it. Just look at that noble beast....

If you think this is entertaining, then you and I should have a long, long talk....

And people wonder what I have against organized religion....

This house was made of material that was readily at hand....trees.

This house was constructed of what was just, literally, laying around. The stones had to be removed from the fields before plowing.

Traditionally, most houses were made from readily available resources; preferably the cheapest. Now take a look at this house....
We have millions upon millions of shipping containers just sitting around in America. It's cheaper to rent a place to store the old, used ones and make a new one than to ship the old one back to whence they came.
I think there should be much more interest in using them for housing....

Find a huge ant hill in Africa, pump in high strength resin, then dig out around it.

They found that its construction yielded air conditioning of a sort...

Until men have to deal with this, then they should stay the hell away from women's issues...

So Bill Moyers is a liberal, you say. Who would you believe?

Stumbled upon this the other day. Friedman is a very smart man, who one would think has no dog in the fight. He likes the economic advantages of legalizing marijuana. So do I.
(about 15 min.)

What kind of country would turn half of its citizens in to criminals just because.....because.....I'm sorry, I forgot why we do that...


Did you notice the sympathetic angle in the last one, boys and girls?
Check out the blond girl's hair angle matching the other girl's arm.


 I wrote a novel one time that had no plot to start with. I simply had two people, say, walk into a bar, then I would stop and try to think of the most unlikely thing for them to find in there. I left out all supernatural stuff.
I liked the book, and the above cartoon sort of reminded me of that.

 I've often thought this was about the way it happened...


Dear ladies, 
We men play this game all.....day.....long.....

1 comment:

Jambe said...

haha, "behaviour" isn't incorrect! Now, aluminum, that shit's incorrect!

The rest of that Morgan Freeman quote goes, "I’m going to stop calling you a white man. And I’m going to ask you to stop calling me a black man. I know you as Mike Wallace. You know me as Morgan Freeman."

... I like me some Morgan Freeman.

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