If destroying the Quran is such a big deal, all American forces should place a large Quran at every base entry, and each road checkpoint to stop all the suicide bombers. We should also tie a few around our flak jackets as well.
Take a minute to remember these magnificent bastards.
I saw a documentary about our troops. One of the problems was that as soon as they crawled back in their APC's after visiting a town, the children began throwing stones. Well, apparently, stones banging off the armor sounds eerily similar to bullets pinging off and it had to stop. At first the troops were furious and demanded that the elders control the kids.
Finally, one of the troops (probably a father) handed out candy to the children......problem solved.
If anyone in America deserved to be put at the head of the line it is these men and women.
Let's talk Jesus, shall we.
This man's religion - whatever that might be - has served his people just fine for....oh....ever. His world view of a magic leopard or talking hyena made it all work for him and his.
Through generations of slavery and persecution, the Jews kept their faith.
Interestingly, Bernie the Jew, a good friend of mine, told me that very few Jews believe that the talking snake, etc were real events. They were tales to deliver a message.
But then people began selling African captures to other nations to use as slaves. Now the descendants of those slaves are the most avid of Christians.
I would have thought that after what happened to them, the last thing they would want to do is adopt the religion of the slave owners. But maybe that's just me.
My dream job would be driving the karma bus.
If life begins at conception, then shouldn't Americans be allowed to legally drink at 29 years and 3 months?
As I recall, these birds mate for life, which, of course, just makes this all the sadder....
I could not agree more....
But who gets the shaft? The one drug that anyone can grow for themselves. Coinsidence? I think not.
Check this insanity out....
It's called civil disobedience, people....
THINK FOR YOURSELF.....while it's still legal.
Then there's this prick....
And people ask me what I have against religion.
I've never wanted to learn Photoshop so badly in my life...
I don't know which I would put in first...a bong or a dick.
I think it should be illegal for lesbians to buy dildos. You made your choice, now live with it.
This is a new way to steer a wheelchair....
There is talk about reworking it into a mouse-type device for your computer.
This person was not allowed to board her flight because of her purse. Jeeeeeeeeeez.
If you are not sure what to say, try "So, it has come to this". It creates instant dramatic tension and is a valid observation in literally any situation.
Read a long article about how well-off you "feel" you are.
Basically, it said if you group yourself with Warren Buffet and friends, then you are poor. But a shift in your reference group to, say, the world and you find out Americans are in the richest 10%.

Uniforms. People just love uniforms.
Lighthouses don't go running all over the island looking for boats to save. They just stand there shining.
And a good time was had by...............most.
Oh, you have a goatee? That's cute. Did you know that beards also come in "man" size?
When my wife and I have a fight, I secretly tighten the top to every jar and bottle in the kitchen....just so I can say "Oh, yeah, who needs who now?"
When I owned the bar in Myrtle Beach, we are having problems getting it off the ground. So I figured out that a draft beer cost me about 25 cents and I sold it for $1. Then I discounted the price to 50 cents to life guards (of which there were hundreds) and they always hung out at my bar. With the lifeguards came the girls, and for the girls came more guys. Life was good.
It was stated that these are real humans as pixels. Should we believe that?
It was stated that these are real humans as pixels. Should we believe that?
Never apologize insincerely.
Never give up.
Never give people advice.
Here's something similar from post-WWI.....
A spider web is a thing you walk into which turns you into a karate master.
Crossword clue: Jam ingredient
_ _ _
[ CAR ]
10 of the most popular surnames in the world...
I've had a few of these and never thought to put rods in it to store books....
I think that this is a skill that should not be allowed to die.....
I had no idea that it was so thick.
Also, it looks like this guy is cheating by having a watertight sub-roof.
If you are always the smartest person in the room, maybe you need to find another room.
Also, it looks like this guy is cheating by having a watertight sub-roof.
If you are always the smartest person in the room, maybe you need to find another room.
If you see me eating one of these, then the whole world has slid right off the shit meter.......
This was the first airplane with much more thrust than body weight, therefore it could fly straight up. I've seen a few of them take off, lift the nose and rise up through the clouds in like five seconds....
If you are one of those people who can't spot what's wrong with this picture, you are lucky, indeed. I would have noticed it the moment I stepped in the room....
Look at the grays in the sky and the grays in her face.
Each day 23 or so Syrians visit Folio Olio. I wish you well, my friends. May peace find you soon.
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