About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 17, 2012


For whatever reason, I've come across enough stuff to insult most everyone on the earth. If I fail to insult you today, I will do my best to do so in the future.

"Human-animal intimacies" indeed.....

Speaking of proud negroes....

Speaking of "proud woman of color"....

I ran across a site subtitled: A website for folks not prone to epileptic seizures.

Irony: The opposite of wrinkly.

This is the way I look when my wife asks me if I'm drunk...

The manly-man fanny pack...must be worn with crotchless pants....

This man either just won the lottery or he has a ten inch penis.................................or both...

I like this painting, but how in the world could I explain to most people why I think it has value to me?

"Stop, Ethel, you'll just spoil the boy."

Back when big egos had no match....

Worth a thousand words...

Try one dollar bills....
I haven't spent a one dollar bill in a decade. It's easier than you think and they really add up.

TRUE: Once had a brother-in-law being interviewed on the radio about the effects of sniffing glue, and he said it might cause "damn bramage". The interviewer just rolled a finger to just move on.

Two birds with one stone....

Give this one a minute....
Small arms fire.

What a prick!

This is extraordinary. Looking at something illegal is now illegal. George Orwell just rolled over in his grave...

And I want to wish them the very best of luck...

Speaking of eating every day....

Fucking like....well......rabbits.....


Oh, look, the sun has a crack in it....

They told us not to run the new meme into the ground....
......we didn't listen....

Nazis need not apply....

Horse has identity hidden....

His claim to fame was that he was touched by Jesus...
...in a Mexican prison.....more than once.

What happens when you paint one baseball over and over again?
His mom must be so proud.

Might need to think about this a minute....

There is a real joke in here someplace...

Works for me....

And I am CERTAIN that there were people that ignored that sign...

Never actually thought about this problem before...

Horrified at what he had wrought....

Kind of hard to see, but it's a display of vibrator batteries with copies of Fifty Shades of Gray.....

It only takes a second to show someone how you feel about them. The police call it indecent exposure, but whatever...

I don't always feel like I'm at the top of the gene pool, but when I do, I'm at Walmart.

What a wonderful movie...

I know you will find this hard to believe, but I like these...

Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand.

Do gay people have feelings?

More salt installations by Yamamoto....

This is progress, right................right?

I knew it! I just fucking knew it!

But all new is not better....

Excellent for getting at those roaches in the corner....

I wish more extreme high-heels came like this so women could actually see what they are doing to their feet....

I'm not sure, but I think that the devices are to make everyone the same height....

A few of my very own..

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