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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Dearest Readers, this is the first and last death you will see on this post.
 I only post this one because of the controversy over the fact that no one helped the guy after being pushed onto the tracks.
I honestly don't know what I would have done. Had the guy who pushed him still been there I would probably fear he would push me also. But the one thing I know for sure, I would not stand around taking fucking pictures.
I saw another clip today. It showed a man jump from a burning building from the tenth floor. The camera followed the guy until he bounced off the sidewalk. I don't think I have the right to see that. It was the end of his life and he's not around to give us permission. I so hope this is not a trend that will continue.

How come I never knew this? I should have known this...
I'm sure future aliens will be impressed.

Something you don't 
see everyday...

And nobody gives a shit cause he's such a nice man. Well, one of these days we might have a president (think Nixon) who is not so nice, but he will have the same power.

This guy ought to meet the crocodile man...
Oh, here he is now...

Life becomes much easier if you just accepted that clothes are just human shaped blankets.


Okay, I'll stop joking about the problem when the problem is fixed...

Is it racist to show something like this...a fact?

These men sort the beer like this all day long. Another pallet is sitting there waiting...

First rule of archeology....Do Not Drop The Hammer...

And now for some good news...

Individually we are weak, like a single twig.

But as a bundle, we form a mighty faggot.

Maybe you tie boys ought to run out and buy these...
 Oh, and I heard the boss has started to shave his balls, so.....
And this guy? To me, he's just another guy who preens with a razor.....it's only a matter of degree...
 ...and these guys are just men who like to show off how much money they have by wearing gold adornments...

Might want to watch this to the end...

Fire bombing of Dresden...killing more people than the atomic bombs....

I didn't know this...

After a rare snow in South Carolina I watched my daughter drawing something in the snow with a stick. I walked out and asked her what she was doing and she said.....

Making snow angles.
She was a bit precocious. 

In America, our bombs are smarter than the average high school graduate....at least they can find Afghanistan.

Modern education creates people who are smart enough to accurately repeat what they're told and follow orders...and dumb enough to think this makes them smarter than everyone else.

 (that was for Kent)

Wine flavored ice cream. Never heard of it.

 Remember Suicide Bunny?
I find him hilarious...

If there is anything Americans hate more than a frenchman, it's a short frenchman...


 Count me in with the scientists.

Do you think our bacon looks like this because the troops got used to it that way during the war?

I keep seeing pics like this with no explanation of where the rock came from...

I have no idea why, but it looks very odd...
 My guess is that he puked or something.

Said the American, "Homosexuality is a sin. Gluttony? Never heard of it."

 (you can't make shit like this up, ya'll)

 Then he had to go back to North Korea.

 Why not both?

Our dreams are a source of endless fascination....except to other people.

This is exactly what I looked like when the guy next to me said that he had never heard of the Curiosity Rover...


Are you feeling just a little too good about yourself?
Read this...

I want to buy a python just so I can name it Monty.

Never run unless you're being chased...that's what I say.

An honest man is hard to find...

Is this what it looks like it is?

I was introduced to a guy named Bob. I said, "So you're a palindrome, huh?"
He said, "I don't think so."
I smiled, nodded and said, "Oh, yeah, a palindrome for sure. I knew it immediately."
He walked off.

For sale.

One Hiroshima survivor was actually in favor of the bombing. He gave it three thumbs up.

Physics lesson in 5...4...3...

Cat was not in the script. It was just wondering around the set and Brando picked it up...

Clever boy...

Damn, girl! You need a hobby...

They got his permission to use his name and likeness...

Syria. Some scary fucking shit...

I printed a sign for my back door. It reads"
Dear Criminal,
The door is locked for your protection.

Move to the city, they said. There's so much to do, they said....

Dedicated motherfuckers, ain't they?

What's the point of having an internet connection if you're not using it to look at weird, fucked up pictures of dirty sex you'll never have yourself?


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