About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 28, 2013


This is why my wife won't let me go to outdoor concerts anymore...
I want to meet that man.

My young friend, Billy, reintroduced me to Johnny Cash. I never thanked him for that....

I am somewhat of foot man. I don't do or want to do weird stuff with them...I just like looking at them...
I bet at one time these were knock-outs...
...but you gotta know when to let go, darlin'.


It was claimed that these were action figures...thoughts?...
And this, her wedding day, is the best she will ever look...
Russia has the coolest motherfuckers on the planet...
Hardly batted an eye.

Read this....

Let's do maps...

Actually, my state's DMV finally got it right. As soon as you walk in the door a person asks you what you are there for, looks at you forms (to make sure you have everything you need), hands you any needed forms, gives you a clip-board and pen and a number. You sit in a huge waiting room and as soon as a window opens up, they call your number. We all give it an A+.



(that's good, right.........right?)

Spend some time thinking about this, please....

Wind-created icicles....

The world's largest Rubik's cube wall...

I usually paint from photographs. I've taken thousands of images of live models, telling them things like "lift you chin a little....too much...down a bit....there...perfect".
I would have loved to have been there to hear her instructions.

I've done this with newspapers, but not with my Mac...

One of my very own...

A very strange lathe that looks extraordinarily dangerous...

Ever how many years ago there was one man who was the very first man to give another man a blow job. I bet that took some guts.

Why does this not surprise me?

If you have to ask a woman if you made her cum...you didn't.

As per the Iranian instructions on how to stone....
An astute observer explained to me that one clue that it was propaganda was that it was written in English. I can't believe I missed making that connection. Well, done.
Then I stumbled upon this...
Granted, I found that on a site called Soopermexican.
It also had a survey that I found rather humorous.
The site had not yet revealed who, in fact, generated the guide, but I will let you know.

I'm the bridge jumping friend your parents warned you about.


The Walking Dead ought to have at least one celebrity zombie each week.

For the love of all that's holy......

It's so cold outside I actually saw a gangsta pull his pants up.

First it was anus whitening...now this....

I got mood poisoning...must have been something I hate.

Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired.

What a wonderful piece of advice. Surely, no matter how fucking stupid you are, you could learn to do SOMETHING that someone would pay you to do.
Think about how elementary that is. There is no excuses.
But if this is your name, it doesn't matter how well you know your job, you are going to be in the back room...
Then there are people, many people, who are unable to master this job. Think about that a minute.
Arguably the greatest nation on earth and you can't perform the lowest task in the society. How could that be?

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