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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 31, 2013

FRIDAY #1539

I may just start believing the internet again.
There was a little blurb about hating to sit through the previews when waiting to watch a DVD movie. It said you could skip all of them and go straight to the movie if you hit STOP. STOP. PLAY.
I just did and it fucking worked!

Is this a new one or that old one?

I can't stand those interfering people who bang on your door and tell you how you need to be "saved" or you'll "burn"?

...Fucking firefighters..

Somehow he missed that huge moving object...

Interrobang = ?!

Lemniscate = infinity symbol
Minmus = pinky toe

Very space saving and they can be off-loaded anywhere...

“Charlie and I have again donned our safari outfits and resumed our search for elephants.” Warren Buffet on deciding to look for another big company to buy.

My kind of low-tech ingenuity...

Damn girl!
Have you ever seen a tiger's tongue?

This clarity was achieved with a cell phone camera. What power. Twenty years ago a camera of this quality would have cost you $400.....

Although in favor of drone warfare, a majority of Americans oppose killing American citizens on US soil with drone strikes. That's sort of good news...right?

If being gay were really a choice, every woman in the world would be a lesbian within ten minutes of ever meeting a man.

What does this look like to you?

I don't always eat breakfast, but when I do, I prefer dos eggies.

This is normally the way I look when someone tells me I can't do or say something because it might "offend" someone.
However, I think it's time we retired the name "Redskins".

Well, that ought to work...

Heard of a "Rain Dance"? These Indians are doing a "Rain Lay Around With a Stick".....true.....

This is what adrenalin looks like...

I will never stop being awed by this thing...

I see what you did there....

How can you always tell if someone is lying?

What they’ve said turns out not to be true.

I learned something. Most people (including me) thought that the number rating for earthquakes was measured on the richter scale. Come to find out, that scale don’t work for quakes bigger than 7. We now use the Moment Magnitude Scale…each number is 30 times more powerful than previous number.

So, where are the Scandinavian countries; arguably the most happy people in the world?
Although, this is how other people view each country...

How can you be pro-life, yet be against universal health care? What most people fail to realize is that in the US we have had universal health care for a long time. Anybody could just walk into an emergency room for care. But that was too expensive. I do not have faith in the federal government to solve this problem anytime soon.

Just as legit as any other knot if you ask me...

How the fuck did Jesus find guys named Peter, John, James, Matthew, Andrew, Phillip, Thomas and Simon in the Middle East?

When life gives you lemons, be thankful it's just lemons. Life could have shot both your parents in a dirty alley when you were 8, like Batman.

An empty browser history is a dirty browser history.

Why do we always seem to make shit harder?

Notice in a sex shop...true...

This Amish woman is about to run a marathon...
Nothing to see here, folks, just move along.

Don't worry about your penis. There's not a whole lot you can do about it anyway, so be proud of it. Give it a name.
Pedro is always amusing.


You're living. You occupy space. And you have mass.
You know what that means?
You matter, girl.

What do you think these people are doing?
Counting puffin eggs on Farne Island for a census. I just wonder why they are all wearing black T-shirts...but maybe that's just me.

As I understand it, this boat elevator requires only a very small motor due to its balance...

Did anyone else notice that after stabbing the ice monster with a magic knife and killing it, the fat guy ran off and left the fucking knife? (Game of Thrones)

How clever.

So, let's see how religious you are in believing the bible is the word of an all loving god....
And then there's this guy...

I shouldn't have eaten so many jalapenos last night. They just decided they wanted out, and formed a union and demanded my asshole surrender....unconditionally.
After a shit that big I know what it feels like to have a black husband.

What make-up does to your image of your beauty, modern drugs do to you self-worth. Anybody think that's healty?
(see image above)

You know that feeling when you're one step behind someone on the stairs and their ass is right in your face.
It's totally different when they are the same sex as you.

The next time you are feeling blue, just remember that there are more nipples than people on the earth.

One of my very own...

What's up with balloons?
"Happy birthday, here's a plastic sack of my breath."

I don't understand a word of that.

Computer keyboards need a crumb tray like toasters.

Let me start by saying that failure is technically an option.

If you love somebody, let them go.
If they come back, nobody else wanted them either.

I love those things.

Wine is for sissies.

The bartender at the American Legion went just a little too crazy even for me to tolerate. Don't get me wrong...he is a very smart man, but he is in need of intense therapy more than anybody I've ever known. I won't bore you with the details, but suffice to say that I was the last regular member to give up on the boy.
Anyway, I'm looking for a new bar near my home and found the bar at the pizza restaurant near my home. Everybody already knows my name and the beer is relatively cheap.
At this place today, I made the following observations:
1: A grown (probably 30) year old man that works at the bar was instructed to set up a six foot stepladder and do this or that to the windows. The man did not know how to set up a stepladder. The manager had to tell him to mash down on the cross members to make it stable. Then when he finished, he kept trying to re-mash them down, as if they were spring-loaded. The manager had to tell him to push them up. This employee is gay. I didn't want to comment on his ineptness because I thought I would be thought a homophobe.
2: I watched a TV show with closed caption and when the guy said infectious, the words were spelled "infect such". I figure they use voice recognition. 
3. I watched the national spelling bee and discovered that 90% of the winners were Indian. Why is it that Indians can spell so well?
4. I noticed that the girls in the Women's Softball World Series wore eye make-up...even under the catcher's mask! I will repeat, for women, is life just one big beauty contest?
5. I like discussing things with you. Today I realized that the funny (hopefully) pictures and such is my way to entertain you while giving you my opinions without having to endure too much boredom. This is getting harder and harder to do, thus requiring more and more time. With that said, let's go a little deeper, shall we.
There is a concept which states that every action we take and every thought we have is controlled (mandated) by the society in which we find ourselves.
Even the rebel CAN be a rebel only because his society gave him PERMISSION to be a rebel.
I find this very, very......distrubing. 
I need some advice.



Anonymous said...

Are you a rebel? Do you rebel? If you achieved the goals of your rebellion, who would rise up against you and why? Why are they wrong? How many answers to questions like these are opinions?

A rebel doesn't need permission, but he absolutely needs something to rebel against. Rebels either change society and are no longer rebels, or they are gotten rid of, or the society creates the "freedom" to rebel without consequences by defining how you are allowed to rebel. Most rebels in the US fall into the 3rd category with speeches, assemblies, boycotts, and martyring themselves with misdemeanors. The only place rebels don't exist is beyond the border, on the frontier, where there is only the true Law of the Land. If you go against those laws, you perish swiftly (i.e. no rebels) without any judgment or persecution. That border doesn't physically exist anymore. Wherever you go, you owe taxes to somebody and there are laws for you to follow. Even the digital frontier is slowly being emancipated.


Ralph Henry said...


Jambe said...

There's a glorious early-morning thunderstorm going on here; crazy-bright pure-white lightning bolts against a faintly-lightening steely blue-grey sky. I feel compelled to point these things out.


That poll isn't about "happiness"; it was: rate country_x on whether their influence in the world is 'mainly positive' or 'mainly negative'.


"Universal healthcare that is too expensive" is not universal in any meaningful sense; it's just a form of wage-slavery induced whenever one first visits a hospital. I don't have much confidence in the US Gub at this point, either, but I have even less confidence in the power of the glorious unfettered market. Wait wait, that's verboten language! Capitalism be praised! Marx was Satan! All Hail Entrepreneurship!


Clearly the egg-students are wearing black tees because they're mindless. But they're also wearing clothes at all because they're mindless, and the one with flip-flops especially so. So many thong-wearing drones! Gosh! Whatever happened to individuality!



Also: damn! I wanted to link to the Falkirk Wheel the other day; something in one of your posts made me think of it. Didn't get around to it, though. I love that thing; remarkable engineering and aesthetics:



wrt that end bit, consider it this way: if you threatened anybody with the ability and desire to react to threats, do you think you'd be around? Power corrupts, as they say; once you have it, you don't want to lose it. Conclusion: "rebels" only exist if a sufficient critical mass of non-rebels tolerate them. Otherwise they would be (and are) swatted like nuisance flies.

I'd take the vine-borne anon-comment a step further and note that this ephemeral "law of the land" never existed at all, on any frontier. "Law" has always been 1) whatever we make up at the time and 2) whatever bits of 1 can be enforced, aka "people ain't got no rights but what they can fight fer" as my hill-dwelling relatives would say. Once we start moralizing we start disagreeing with and/or killing each other for doing it wrong. It is our nature.

If you want even more depression, consider Robert Sapolsky's (excellent) lecture about the biological underpinnings of religiosity. Long story short: society tolerates and essentially adopts schizotypal personalities because their weird behavior functions as a source of fascination and catharsis. In other words, the "weirdos" (or "rebels" in this context) are kept around only and specifically because they let the "normies" find humor and calm in this absurd reality.

*shrug* social systems, how do they work?

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