About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, May 24, 2013


 Guy finds Twister movie in Moore rubble...

 And what the fuck is wrong with her neck?!?

$10K to build one of these sounds a little steep to me. Why not just put a door on a septic tank?

Further, get with some neighbors and build a communal shelter...split the cost.

Watching the tornado my bartender and I made an over/under of 100 people dead. I took under...
I have no idea how so many people lived through that.

This chicken has not been posed. It is doing its mating strut....which is pretty fucking cool...

Ladies, stop. Just fucking stop....

And that is some movie star....I swear.

I wrote a novel once that had a Vietnamese character. I called my brother, who had been in Vietnam, for a typical name and he suggested Nguyen....

If you live every day like it's your last, then your last day will be just like every other day.

"Paper or plastic?"

"Doesn't matter to me. I'm bi-sackual."

"I don't even care anymore. And you know what's even better? I don't care that I don't care."

The government could fix everything that's wrong with this country if they'd simply read my blog.

 But didn't he recover well.

I don't understand why Alice left Wonderland.

I think Cosmo gives bad dating advice so there are more single women to by their magazine.

"I don't see race. I've evolved beyond that. I just pretend everybody's white, and it's all good."

A navy dolphin just found a WWI torpedo off the coast of California....

Remember this?
 Look at it now...

I've never seen a sad person on a wave runner.

 You're welcome.

Wouldn't it be interesting if every person in the world simultaneously said, 'mayonnaise'?

 Kind of looks like they are Japanese don't it.

It is a known fact that these people have bought politicians who then pass insane laws that guarantees them a whole lot of money...

I heard this line in a British movie: "Those are they."
She was asked if the drawings on the wall were the ones her husband had drawn.
Why didn't she just say, "Yes."

Buy bottled water, buy a bag of ice, drink the water, throw away the bottles, then when the ice melts we throw away the water.
Then you carry around a bottle of water for two hours, but as soon as it’s empty you feel compelled to throw the empty bottle away immediately, as if the empty bottle filling the exact same space of the full bottle is demeaning.

Watched a movie (Warlords) about Chinese history....

My dental hygienist, of all people, told me about the many trips she has taken to Canada. Several times she mentioned a Great Lake that was shaped like a man carrying a backpack, and described her travels based on this model.
Do you see a man carrying a backpack in this picture?
 I sure don't.

Fuck Columbus, he was lost.

 To be honest, there is much contraversy over the introduction of spear points. Some estimates are much older than 90K.

Because the government only hires smart people and they know best.......forgetting your last trip to DMV.

Well, of course he did...

Backpfeifengesicht (German)
 A face badly in need of a fist.

Another sentence I don't think has ever been written before...
 Speaking of chicken...

So much blame, so little time...

This is all well and good. I'm proud of them all. But the motherfucker probably got lung cancer by smoking and the same money could have saved a thousand lives by providing clean drinking water in Africa...

One of my very own...

Way back in the 1960's when I was in Europe, I explored many of the old WWII emplacements on the Maginot Line...

Best Halloween costume ever.....

Oh, to be young again...

When cell phone cameras are a good thing...

Well, of course it is.

He was dressed in his Sunday best, shoes shined, bible in hand...but he knew he had climbed those stairs for the last time. The Sunday before, he had been told that Christians mustn't think about infinity because only god could comprehend infinity and thinking about it would drive us mortals insane. That was, as they say, the last straw, since of late he had spent a lot of time thinking about infinity, and he felt saner than he had ever felt.


A court has just ruled that the Obama Administration can still keep the photographs of dead bin Laden Top Secret.
This is one of those images I selected from hundreds on line.....
Why is it still Top Secret if everyone on the planet can find it in about 5 fucking seconds? To prosecute whoever leaked it.
TRUE: The administration of Barack Obama has prosecuted more accused leakers under "espionage" statutes than all prior administrations combined -- in fact, double the number of all prior such prosecutions.


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