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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


 Back when people would give up their career to make anti-war statements on the air...

Obama: "I remember when "buzzfeed" was something I did in college around 2am."
And yet his drug enforcement people have been given orders to keep locking up citizens.

I think the most often uttered lie is "It wasn't me."

Look at this, then think of a dinosaur raptor...

I wish my wife had one of these...

1000 words...

I got nothing against people making a lot of money. I just want everyone to play by the same rules, which is not the case in America now...
 There seems to be a love/hate thing going on with corporations. We like that our IRA's, retirement funds, etc are gaining in worth, but we still hate the same corporations in which our money is invested. I just don't get it...

If the truth be known, here in the South almost all good stories should begin with this statement...

You could spend a few more bucks by shopping local or you could go to Walmart like every other person without a soul.

 As I understand it, it concerns the consequence of the nature of the vacuum of space.

Another statement that may have never been written before...

I am proud to say that my wife is NOT a well-behaved woman...

I'm assuming this is a vegan thing...

Fuck the Kuiper Belt, and the Oort Cloud is really, really starting to piss me off, too.

Makes sense to me...

I'm still pissed my parents didn't give me a name that was more precious.

Ran across this yesterday. Reminded me of the great time I had while I was at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico...

This man will get my money...

I think I have finally amassed enough crap to last until I die.


Recalling your SAT, you may notice that the gears will not work...

I’d love to read your poem about your vegan commuter bicycle but my steak has been marinating for two day and is starting to turn.

I would love to try these. Think about it. You never actually look at the whole card anyway...

Space rock shoots a hole in the array at ISS. Had it hit the hull it would have been Katie bar the door...

"My concentration span is very short. What's that called. Whatever."

In my opinion, sidewalk dining is the most relaxing of eating experiences....
Plus, in the two locales above you get a sense of your own insignificance. You could logically make the point that millions of people have walked on this street past these buildings and they all died. But the buildings didn't even notice.  

This is thought to be part of the lost city of Heracleion off the coast of Alexandria...

Why do we all feel it necessary to look at ourselves in the mirror after we puke?

Police confiscate a $5000 doobie in California...

There is an adaptor to photograph through a pair of binoculars....

Remember, no pain, no fun prescriptions.

If I ever went back to France I would ask every Frenchman I met if they spoke German and if they said no, I would say, "You're welcome."
And if a British custom's agent asked me if I had anything to declare, I would say, "My independence."

Unlike milk, it's okay to cry over spilled wine.

A friend of my wife's became pregnant and lamented that she had used up all her favorite baby names on her cats.

What an excellent fashion development....

I watched the baby sharks inside the womb do exactly this...
 But I wondered how many of the survivors are maimed. It was quite a bloodbath in there and you would think none of them could emerge unscathed.

I wonder how many people will recognize this scene from the old TV show...
...I think he just got sent to the cornfield.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My life-long best friend is the son of the man who wrote that episode of TTZ, Jerome Bixby. I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have know that man.

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