About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 30, 2013


Speaking of Schadenfreude.....

Found this on a Optical Illusion site. It refused to give the answer but said it ain't no peacock.....anybody?

We've all heard of the JC Penney's ad by now...

...and it seemed to have helped sales...

(this is not current)

For you people who care about such things...

The bullet on the left is 45 caliber. It's big.
The bullet on the right is the new 50 caliber round. You have to be a real man to shoot such a handgun.
Trust me.

Gross Misconduct: I’ve always considered that a very attractive option.

 I read somewhere that the kid is now the same age of the old man in the movie.

I remember the exact day that my wife told me it was rude to begin washing my hair in the shower while she was giving me a blowjob.

 Decades ago, my buddy Rupert said that we would all be in trouble when the people realized that they could vote themselves money. That time has arrived.

I think the motherfucker missed...
What goes around, comes around....but don't he have a nice hat.....had.

Rather impressive until you learn the headdresses are made of dyed turkey feathers and beads made in China...

The Great Wall is considered one of the seven wonders of the world because it is the only Chinese product that lasted more than a month.

Well, isn't he special...

Coinstar, the coin sorter at the grocery store, just asked me to make a donation to the poor, so they, obviously, don't understand why I'm using the machine.

Speaking of window painting...

Has anybody else used the whispered term "Drone Strike" to inform your spouse that you just farted under the sheets?

When your kid comes home from school with head lice, it's a great opportunity to work on your not-freaking-out face. But remember, if you stop sending your kid to school because of it, the head lice win. And rest assured that head lice is no more humiliating than any other aspect of being a kid.

This is a special light that shows cyclists any potholes and such...

Advice To Guys: Find a way to thank a woman who climaxes quickly. She is a cherished being.

"Remember, you are born naked and you will die naked."

     "You won't die naked."
"You will if you plan it carefully."

Carp(e) Diem...

 And they were still dirty...

I've never understood why my clothes are so expensive. At my age, they ought to pay me NOT to be naked.

 Not sure that was really necessary.

Crossword clue: Vegas machine that pays out often…ATM

I actually know people who have never been on a computer. I admit that I judge these people...

Well, of course, it does...

People always talk about the summer heat in the South, but Southerners are more concerned about the fucking types of mega-insects that come out of the 8th circle of hell.

I like to push my body to the limit but not in the healthy living way, more like in the how much barbecue can I eat before I’m unable to physically move way.

This took me longer to figure out than it should have...

Four pound hairballs removed from tiger in zoo...

I think that taking off shoes at the front door is a good idea. But Americans seem to go in and out more often than Asians.

Tractor Bike...

Education should not be a debt sentence.

One of my very own...

How to get a job without experience?

Lie, like everybody else on the planet, you idiot.

 The first time I tried to cook crabs, I had no tongs or anything else to lift them from the basket to the pot. So I used a caulk gun, pinching the claw with the plunger.
I looked a lot like this person.

Said to be the smartest dog in the world...
 My brother told me that his dog would fetch the right toy, out of dozens, on command. Then my brother bought a new toy, say a frog, that the dog had never seen before, then my brother commanded the dog to fetch the frog. Then, after rummaging through the pile, the dog did in fact fetch the frog because it was the only one it didn't know the name of. I think that's called deductive reasoning.

"Shadows" of radiation blast at Hiroshima...

You want to know what boredom is?

I am 41 Cheetos tall.

Kafka, meet Orwell...

What word starts with F and ends in UCK?

Other than that.



He must have lost a bet...

It gives me a great deal of pride that an asshole tourist carved his name into a 3500 year old Egyptian temple and it wasn't an American.

That babies smile moments out of the womb is a great, great thing...
And here's my newest friend getting bigger by the day...

A pick-up line that just might work:

"My friend over there really wants your number, so he will know where to get a hold of me in the morning."

"I feel sorry for people who don't know me," said Mel.


Mark my words, as soon as those dragons are big enough, everybody is going to be fucked!

This child has this permanently embedded in her flesh...
I'm assuming she thought that profound.

When I was born, the Dead Sea wasn't even sick!

Can you spell "Prick", boys and girls?
I actually thought the guy was going to jack off on a pizza.

For whatever reason, the blog has had a huge number of hits on an old post concerning my drive along a terrifying highway during my wife and I's trek across the country a few years ago.
If you would like to relive this post, here it is.
>>>>> CLICK HERE <<<<<


Jambe said...

I take it that by "a real man" you mean "compensating for the dimensions of one's penis"? I don't understand the allure of large-bore pistols; magnum revolvers are fine for defense against any North American critters (as fine as any consistently-usable .50 pistol can be, anyway).

Brand's junk-exposing and flipping-off of the camera is a from a shitty movie.

And to think, pigs seem to be as intelligent as dogs, and sometimes more so. Churchill supposedly said, "Cats look down on you, dogs look up to you, but pigs look you in the eye as equals." Fitting, perhaps, given our ludicrous tendency to inflate ourselves into masters of the universe.

If we treat "firetruck" as one word...

Ralph Henry said...

If we treat "firetruck" as one word...

What in the name of Aleksandr Strakhov does that mean?

I would further assert that EVERY animal on earth thinks of themselves as masters of the (their) universe....like a requirement for survival.

Ralph Henry said...

I'm so sorry, I read it wrong. I thought you said, "a word" instead of "one word".

Jambe said...

Oh, no worries, I was referring to the "f--uck" thing.

Regards animals: well, it's questionable whether other species "think" in the way that humans do. There are certainly things going on in other creature's nervous systems, and some critters may even have what we might consider "minds" and various other aspects of human intelligence (sentience, sapience, self-awareness, etc), but not most of them. And clearly none of them abstract their thoughts far enough away from reality to be as heavily dependent on tool use as we are. We seem to be the masters of bullshit, and I'd consider bullshit to be a coping mechanism (tool) for dealing with the absurdity of the universe.

People always talk about ravens and dolphins and chimps and shit, but just to argue against myself: consider jumping spiders. Several species of those clearly have advanced spatial mapping which could indicate some form of self-awareness. They can be on a leaf looking at a distant prey item which they can't jump to, and they'll crawl a long way down the tree and up the other one, and then pounce on the thing once it's in reach. Pretty advanced stuff for an animal that probably weighs like 1 gram or so. See also this wikipedia article on Portia, a particularly-advanced genus of jumping spiders. Neat stuff.

There's also natural stuff besides abstract thought that would blow our minds if we could do it with our bodies (or make ourselves into cyborgs, I guess). For instance, many birds, shrimps, and butterflies can see more gradations of color in the spectrum than we can (that is to say, where we'd look at two swatches and say they're identical "cobalt blue" or whatever, other creatures could see two different shades). They can also see into the ultraviolet (see the Eyes subsection of the wiki article on Mantis shrimp; fucking incredible).

Snakes can detect infrared with the pits on their faces, and studies of their nervous systems indicate that they integrate this stimulus with their visual stimulus (it's literally processed in the same part of their optic tectum). So, while infrared can't be processed by an optical lens because its wavelength is too long, snakes can nonetheless be said to "see" in infrared, in some sense.

One other thing: elephants (and other mammals, especially cetaceans) can communicate in infrasound (very low-frequency sound that our ears can't detect). Bats, sloths, insects and some other creatures use ultrasound for detection and/or communication (high-frequency we can't hear).

When pondering this shit I always wonder, "What is it like to 'hear' things I can't hear or 'see' things I can't see?" I mean, what is the actual experience like for the given animal? What would it look like to see more blue in one shade of blue? What would that extra blue look like? Bluier? I'll never know. But there are many foreign worlds like that being experienced by other species every instant of every day...

Damn, nature, you scary!

Larry Medwig said...

Just thought I would let you know, I built and own that "Tractorbike" Larry

Ralph Henry said...

And quite proud you should be, Larry. It's beautiful.

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