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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 3, 2013

MONDAY #1542

Turkey...a NATO partner...
 It didn't stay peaceful long...

I was sitting in my favorite bar watching the Spelling Bee with my bartender when this was shown on screen...
I said, "That will be all over the interenet in 24 hours."
The next day (just about 24 hours later) I ran into it.

Watched a movie "John Dies At The End". It was a rather.....amusing sci-fi, but the dialogue was really noteworthy.

A repost of an amazing photograph...

Fuck this bitch. Why does she deserve our attention....all fucking day, every day? 

When you get old, you can to get away with this shit:

A guy more or less demanded the entire bar's attention for a story that turned out to be just about as boring a story as could be...and I know about such things. When it was finally over, I asked, "Are you the guy who does the voice over for all those pre-flight safety videos?"

At the end of my life I just hope that I can look back and feel like I have promoted myself enough.

I wish I'd done a little more research on cell phone radieation before I took all those pictures of my genitals.

Genetically Modified food has its distractors...

Toronto's mayor...of all places...

That's one clever guy...

The black and white circles rotate in opposite directions according to which center circle you look at...

TRUE: I met a new bartender Friday. Her name was Merm. I had to ask her to spell it, which she was more than happy to do. I said, "I bet you have to spell it every time." She said, "Hey, but the weirdest thing is that black people see it spelled and pronounce it Miriam and it drives me up the wall." 

Put the packet on the end of the straw, then put it back in the cup...
 For all you guys with teenage sons.....Bruce.

War....it's usually not like this...


For my son-in-law...

I don't know for sure, but that sounds like debtor's prison to me.

One of my very own...

Think about this a minute...

I think this would work...
It looks like some sort of flat cord.
What say you?

On line you always read about these 13 year old having sex and getting drunk! Jeeez! When I was 13 I was snorting cocaine with cops and had already committed my 4th serious felony.

Well, he's ready for the hot pepper eating contest... 

When I was in college living in married student housing, this exact same thing happened to me over my bathtub...

I am fairly certain that YOLO is Carpe Diem for stupid people.

One does not simply drive home slowly after watching a NASCAR race.

I used to date a girl with lazy eye. Turns out she was seeing someone else the whole time.

It's called narcissism, darlin', and it shouldn't be a point of pride...

One of the most serious problems this country faces...
And as I understand it, while the money that veterans get for college has stayed the same, the tuition has tripled.

Today I stood behind a guy in line who bought a rape whistle and took the time to put it on his key ring before he left the store. I'm thinking wishful thinking.

 I wonder if this hated motherfucker will ever get another roll after GoT.

Two powerful images of war...

 As I understand it, these people are not freeloaders. They have money for a ticket, but there are not enough trains...

In South Carolina we love Spring. It's the best day of the year.

When I was a kid, I thought I wanted to grow up.


How...ah, dry was it?

Anybody know what the fuck this is all about?

Happy endings are just stories that haven't finished yet.

I once saw her nipples...

I feel compelled to offer for your perusal, a comment concerning a comment I made last week....I like it that much.

Are you a rebel? Do you rebel? If you achieved the goals of your rebellion, who would rise up against you and why? Why are they wrong? How many answers to questions like these are opinions?

A rebel doesn't need permission, but he absolutely needs something to rebel against. Rebels either change society and are no longer rebels, or they are gotten rid of, or the society creates the "freedom" to rebel without consequences by defining how you are allowed to rebel. Most rebels in the US fall into the 3rd category with speeches, assemblies, boycotts, and martyring themselves with misdemeanors. The only place rebels don't exist is beyond the border, on the frontier, where there is only the true Law of the Land. If you go against those laws, you perish swiftly (i.e. no rebels) without any judgment or persecution. That border doesn't physically exist anymore. Wherever you go, you owe taxes to somebody and there are laws for you to follow. Even the digital frontier is slowly being emancipated.

QUESTION: Do you think he meant to use the word "emancipated"?
I think not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Regarding the woman taking a photo of herself with legs back. Check out the guy in the background. He is taking a piss.

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