About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Home of the last motel room I will stay in for a long, long time.

I've got a thing for picking one back road that goes all the way across a state. Yesterday it was 278 across Alabama. Today it was 16 across Georgia. Pleasant drive...

Last night, this was directly adjacent to the parking lot of our motel....thirty feet from our door. How many bull frogs to you think live in that ditch? I would estimate 6 to 8 thousand....
 And it was for those croaking frogs I thought the fence needed Utensilizing....

I keep all my tagging supplies and tools in the door pocket of my passenger side back door. That way, when I pull over I don't have to stand near traffic to get what I need. While I was digging around for the above spoon, I discovered two more of the original US utensils stuck down in a crevice. 

Like old buildings...the stories they hold...

Pulled off to pee and thought it would be an excellent place to kill someone and dump the body...
 Imagine you got caught stealing from the mob and they beat the shit out of you and put you in the trunk. They drove down from Atlanta to this very spot and stopped. When the trunk opened they dragged you out and threw you against the bank beside the road, toppling a few small trees as you crashed to the earth. Then, amazingly, your hand wraps around the handle of a knife....Knife #4....you make up the rest...

My wife and I are always using the term 'gray road' to describe the least traveled roads we can find. And here, not far from our last motel we found it...

"Excuse me, sir, is this the Best Western?"
"No, this is just the regular Western."

When we arrive at a motel, we have a ritual. My wife goes in to register and I walk around to the back of the truck and get a beer. As soon as I got the beer today, this was my view. And amazingly there were people standing outside their rooms...at least a dozen on both levels...all staring at the property next door like a UFO had landed.
 When my wife got back in the car, she told me that the motel's internet was down...thus explaining the patrons being outside.

I spotted this. I knew I wanted to tag the last motel and this had prune marks that would serve my purpose just fine...
 No coordinates...but if you want to find it, there are plenty of clues.

This is the access password for their internet. The owner...an Indian guy...had just walked into my room to fix the AC when my wife showed the password to me. I screamed, "Holy fucking shit! Who does a thing like this to innocent people?!"...then I saw the guy. He but laughed. I did not think it all that funny...
This is an estimate of the most evil password I've ever seen.....oO0ooOOo0. There are capital O and little o, and number 0.

Last night in the restaurant, my wife wore a loose fitting T-shirt whose neck was hanging down enough to see cleavage and part of her bra. I look horrified and said, "Debbie! Your tittie is hanging out!" I haven't seen that woman move that fast in years.

"Show me on the doll where the gasoline prices touched you."

Hand sanitizer is a gateway drug for OCD...

Just once I'd like to hear an argument end with "Whoa, you are way louder than I am. You win."

Don't think comma's are important?
"You have a body like Adonis."
"You have a body, like Adonis."

Do you think that any maternity ward has ever closed because of labor disputes?

What if the reason that England is blocking porn is because there's a royal sex tape out there somewhere?

This is exactly what viewing the Mona Lisa was like...

My 6 year old nephew, Bruce, once packed a bag and told his parents he was going to run away with his girlfriend. His dad asked what he would do for money and Bruce said that they would live off their combined allowance. The father kept asking questions and was actually proud that his son had an answer for everything; thinking through every problem. Then he ask, "What will you do if your girlfriend gets pregnant?" Bruce just shrugged and said, "Well, we've been lucky so far."

Watching your lover sleep is only romantic if you know who they are.

He might not can spell, but you can't build a house either.

After a late night poker game, my friend, Mel, asked if he could sleep over and I, of course, put him up in the guest room. The next morning I watched as he poured milk in the bowl first, then added cereal. I never invited him to another game. I don't trust freaks like that.

 That was a good one, right......right?

Women and Men's bathroom in pizza joint...

Did anybody else think that was John Candy in the mask?

A man walked into a bar one time...

I don't sign anything without pretending to read it first.

I'm thinking about printing these up for a whole lot of applications...

The following images are of close-ups of this Van Gogh...

This is raw canvas peeking through...

That's the way I look at every Impressionist painting...up close and personal.

I haven't had sex in so long that my sex dreams consist of me jacking off to porn.

This is what I look like when my wife shows me a funny thing someone sent her on Facebook and she's laughing hysterically and I posted it on Folio Olio three weeks prior...true....

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