About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 4, 2013



Last night in the motel, there was this sign on the microwave...
How could any inquisitive person not put a metal object in there to see what would happen? I really, really wanted to...but it wasn't mine...which when you think about it, is all the more reason to do it.

My last two Utensilizations....

Finally found out the BP discount....$1.16!!!!
Our gas only cost this...

I am elated to report that my wife's attempts to drive me crazy during our trip were all foiled, with minor repercussions. I do have a severe facial tic in my right cheek, but only when I struggle to smile. I also am unable to pronounce any word that begins with the letter H, but with careful sentence structure planning, total strangers no longer laugh at me. And lastly, I have a horror of all even numbers up to and including 66, which is my age.

Other than that I have survived whole.
Several times on the final leg of our journey, my wife referred to our house as "her house". I still haven't gotten my head around that, but can only surmise that something nefarious is afoot.



I smile when people tell me that things like goat sacrifice was in the old testament and they believe in the new testament...but they both talk about the same god.

I predict that within two generations, our children will look back at belief in talking snakes and magic trees in the exact same way we read Greek mythology and shake our head that one god at his own children to keep them from competing with him.


Unknown said...

Welcome home! Thanks for all the adventures, get some rest.

Tony said...

If God created man from dust--why is there still dust? What a stupid argument.

Let's see . . . if man evolved from apes--why are there still apes? CHECKMATE EVOLUTIONISTS!!!

"I predict that within two generations, our children will look back at belief in talking snakes and magic trees in the exact same way we read Greek mythology and shake our head that one god at his own children to keep them from competing with him."

--Uh, you do realize that this "belief" has been going for over 2,000 years?

Ralph Henry said...

So, Tony, am I to assume you actually believe in talking snakes and magic trees?

Spider Borland said...

2 generations is only about 40 years. I agree with you about the Greek Mythology comment, but I don't know if 40 years is enough time for modern man to make that call. Most of us are pretty dense.

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