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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, August 18, 2013



You were surely lucky enough to be born into the one true path to salvation, of course. In this post I’m addressing the majority of the world who believe in those other made up bullshits.

(The above disclaimer should, technically, not offend anyone.)

If the Christians had more power, this would surely happen again...and you can take that to the gallows...

I did a lot of research on this for a novel I wrote, and this is dead on...
When you think about it, it's no weirder than, say, a talking donkey or god sending bears to mutilate rude children...or cutting a goat's throat to show you love the creator of the whole universe.

Well, he did give advice to slaves about "proper" behavior toward their "masters".

 But the whole book was supposed to be divinely inspired, so the parts that tell you to stone a queer is legit.
In fact, direct quotes from Jesus are few and far between.

In my humble opinion, this is the #1 reason the myths are handed down from one generation to another...
And there are dozens of people who have admitted to me that they don't believe in the heaven of gold streets or any of the other crazy stuff, but they just say they are Christian because....they...have...always...said...they...are...Christian.

Love him or hate him, this man at least walks the walk of what the book says...

 Apparently, religion is not the only thing religious people never ask questions about. They simply don't ask questions about much else also.
Here's the article if you want to read it:
>>>>> CLICK HERE <<<<<

I find all the Thee and Thou and Cometh hilarious.

 That's the way a door works, dumbass.

"Mommy, where did the first person come from?"
 And since that question was first asked, we have been making up stupid bullshit because we don't like saying, "I have no idea."


Anonymous said...

I followed the link to the article about intelligence. At the bottom of the page there is a very interesting slide show on famous scientists and their views on religion. One that I thought was particularly interesting was this one:
William H. Bragg (1862-1942)
"From religion comes a man's purpose; from science, his power to achieve it. Sometimes people ask if religion and science are not opposed to one another. They are: in the sense that the thumb and fingers of my hands are opposed to one another. It is an opposition by means of which anything can be grasped."

I often hear religious and even non-religious people talking about their "purpose" in life. Those who are religious often refer to this purpose as their "calling"...doing what god designed them to do. What about an atheist? Does an atheist really have a purpose in life? Is it really no different than that of all other beings, to procreate and strengthen the species? Similar to you, I am an atheist. However, I have seen you mention a few times in your blog about your purpose in life. How does an atheist reconcile their existence with having a particular purpose? Is it nothing more than self-identifying with a particular job, interest, activity and assigning it meaning? I am curious as to your take on the subject.

Ralph Henry said...

Dear Anon,
When a huge star implodes into a super nova, it doesn’t matter.
When a black hole swallows up whole galaxies, it doesn’t matter.
When I die, it just won’t matter.
Our “purpose” is that we were born, we live for a blink of an eye, and then our atoms are returned to the universe…literally when the sun expands and swallows up the earth.
We as humans are a product of our parents, our culture, our friends, etc. There are some decisions we make to change course from time to time, but it could be argued that this has been pre-written due to all the things that had influenced us in our lives.
I could further remind you that Mr. Bragg was born in 1862 and he must have had some very conventional influences on his life. He may have had no knowledge of evolution when he read that all humanity started from a man and his rib-woman.

“How does an atheist reconcile their existence with having a particular purpose?”

I don’t remember ever saying that, but if I did I assure you it was mere hyperbole.

“Is it nothing more than self-identifying with a particular job, interest, activity and assigning it meaning?”

I would add loving people, but, yeah, basically that’s what it’s about.
Pick a card, any card…cause you/me don’t matter. In a hundred years no one will even remember your name.
Depressing? Fuck no. It tells me to enjoy every day of life, cause that’s all there is.

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