About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


It's all ceramics...

Ballard Street is, by far, my most favorite cartoon...

For my nephew, Bruce...the one who didn't make that great map of my trip...

Foam movie prop brick...
I had a dear friend who made props for movies. He built the set for "Ragtime". In his yard he had a hunk of styrofoam that he had formed with a blowtorch and spray painted to look alike a very real large rock. The first time you visited him, he would act like he was struggling to pick it up, then he would throw it at you....scaring the shit out of the victim.

There is a controversy over who this Nick Beef is, buried next to Lee Harvey Oswald...

"Let's take a quiet drive in the country..."
 "...along with the other two million fucking leaf oglers."

 And it's usually people like this that feel superior to people of other faiths or skin color...

Long, but interesting...

Could you dine knowing...KNOWING that someone just pissed only inches from your leg?

Premier League by nation...

Not this skillfully, of course, but I taught all my students how to do this...

Gulf War I; 100 hours from start...

Why not to honk at a biker with...
...anger issues.

My friend, Jack, went to India when he was looking for "The Truth"...
 This image reminded me of the guy he met who would stand, then lay down on his stomach, then stand up at the place where is head was, then repeated that inch-worm maneuver all over India. He was looking for "The Truth" also.

There was some news that the baguette industry is threatened in France...

This is a stick-on that goes around your computer camera...as a reminder...

You think Asians have tattoos like this?

I really would like to think that this is true...

 Did you notice the band-aid?

I love this image. But if I found out that it had been manipulated in a computer, I would call it cheating.

Art photography doesn't just happen...

You have got to watch this until the very end...
He probably didn't live anyway...but at least he made it to the internet.

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

"Could you dine knowing...KNOWING that someone just pissed only inches from your leg?"

Could you put a yellow liquid in your mouth knowing...KNOWING that someone just pissed only inches from your leg?

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