About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


(Maybe. I'm too stupid to decipher all the ways this thing is determined)
And for anyone else who watched the game, this sportscaster that covered the game...
...looks and talks exactly like this guy...

And what will we do if the air strikes don't work?

This is not a movie clip, but the title says it all...

What an amazing chart....from an earlier time, but still relevant....would love to see present time sentiment...
Check out No Party's relationship with Democrat.
And the Republican Antiwar is none existent.

I don't think the country that sells Dolly Madison Pink Frosted Zingers should be preaching to others about using chemical weapons on people.

There are people out there who have jobs they really like...
But I spend a lot of time thinking about people who must be miserable just putting in the hours to earn enough money just to survive. I find that sad.
Most of these people are what I call "Trinket Salesmen". They sell jewelry, or gloves, or style hair, or....you get my point. I just wonder if they know they are not living up to their full human potential.
Although, there might be those I've overlooked...

"Lawsuit on aisle 3..."
Before the internet, I never knew that I could laugh like a sociopath at a fat guy falling off a wheel chair or video of a human being on fire....or a man shooting himself in the leg...or.....

Just the headline, folks, just the headline...

DO NOT be this man...
...and it is my bet this happened to him more than once...

It is impossible to be unhappy in a poncho.

"Aaah......no, thank you, Mr. Rapist Convict Guy."
"It wasn't a question, bitch."

I hate it when I drink my last beer and didn't notice that it was the last beer, so I couldn't mentally prepare myself and get closure.

My countrymen have been so wrong on so many things (like hemp laws) that I find myself questioning my opposition to an attack on Syria simply because I'm sided with the majority. How fucking sick is that?

Hey, guys, wouldn't you love to know what your dick would feel like in there?
....just once?

I wonder how many couples would still be together if they traded phones for the weekend.

Why the fuck can't everyone just enjoy and embrace the word fuck like I do?

 The man in the upper right appears very, very skeptical.

My wife laughed at my dick so much she named it "Stand-up Comedian".

Squeakie taking her best shot...

Try to guess what this is...
Losing one's nose in a sword fight used to be a fairly common occurrence. So they would lift up a flap of your arm, sew it to your nose, let it grow together then snip it off your arm. It was explained that because they didn't know shit about infection this "cure" had a 50% of mortality rate.
Thus is the price of vanity.
Come to find out, the technique is still used today...
(don't you love the way some people use some fancy dramatic font colors that just fucks it all up....why?)

Those people who say money can't buy you happiness has never met this guy...

Reminds me of my bachelor party...

My whole childhood was a lie...
I will repeat...you can't find humor like this on just any old blog.

 My father took me night fishing one time. It was on a lake right near a dam.
Barges would come up the river, and when they came to the dam they would pump the corn up and over the dam to another barge. Well, apparently a bunch of the corn ended up in the water, sank and became catfish food. So we bottom fished and caught a ton.
Interestingly, fishing when every time you put you hook in the water you catch a fish is not near as much fun as only getting a hit every once in a while. I don't know why.

What the fuck does this mean?!

Have you ever had to apologize for throwing up on someone's cat?

Is this "Abstract Art"? 
I think not. Abstract art is devoid of recognizable images, relying on the elements of design as their only tools. Any of you artists have an opinion?

Speaking of the elements of design....

James Cameron has spent more hours on the wreck of the Titanic than the passengers of Titanic spent on Titanic.

Does that lady look like she has extraordinarily long toes to you?

Street art from Norway...

Well....that's good.....right?

There are two kinds of people in the world; me and everyone else.

The day's weather forecast...

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