About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Hopefully, last posts about my football disaster weekend...


Bullfighting in other parts of the world is often a gory spectacle that ends in the deaths of the bulls. It’s different in the bullfighting and rodeo traditions of Costa Rica.

There, daring young men enter the ring as improvisados—daredevils who ride, chase, and evade the bulls. No matter what the bulls do, improvisados are not allowed to hurt or kill them. These rules led to 200 bull-induced injuries at the recent national Zapote Festival. 


Please, for the love of sanity, somebody fix that...

That's one clever somebitch...

 I imagine this very thing every time I take a shit; specifically, which famous person is dumping at the same time as I...

This underwater robot...
 ...was modeled after the Cuttlefish...
It was stated that the propulsion system didn't damage the environment or injure fish as much as propellers.

See anything odd?
When it first starts, it looks like she is blowing those two players down the field. 

Black light painting...
There's a lot of this going around.

The more wine I drink, the better I get at pronouncing the name of the wine I’m drinking.

The Gutenberg Bible. Printed by Johann Gutenberg in Mainz, c.1455, the first book printed from movable types in the western world. Forty-eight copies survive; only thirty-one are perfect. A single leaf sells for £50,000; a complete version would be worth tens of millions of pounds.

A simple way to get more guys to the gym...

I met an interesting guy last night. We were both into Fight Club, so unfortunately we didn’t have much to talk about.

Know what this is?
A......."Graduated" Cylinder.

Thousands of junk cars are crushed in portable devices like this every day.
I wonder why they don't recycle more of those millions of shipping containers sitting around rusting.

Steampunk like switches that really work...
A cheap way to teach your youngsters a few rules of mechanical concepts.

Street Artist Morfai Creates an Illuminated Moon in the Windows of a Building in Kaunas, Lithuania

Might not like it, but it's hard to ignore...

Flight attendant made an announcement to congratulate her on her 12 year career with the US Marines. The cabin erupted into applause.

Giles Skey Brindley, MD, FRCP, FRCS, knows how to stand proud.
 At a 1983 Urodynamics Society lecture in Las Vegas, Dr. Brindley demonstrated—with panache—that he could inject drugs into his penis and thereby cause an erection.

 One Of My Very Own...

Thanks to the internet I have probably seen more naked women than all my ancestors combined.

The Geography of Incarceration

Shit my wife thinks about when she's stoned...

This is a real headline...
 She cut it off after she found a sex message to his girlfriend, then when he was rushed to the hospital and had it sewn back on, she sneaked in AND CUT IT OFF AGAIN...this time throwing it out the window!

Only real fans will get this...

I was masturbating in the toilet at the public library when I saw someone had wiped a booger on the wall of the cubicle. Disgusting.

And now a word from your government...
You know and I know that the surest why to get any group of people to panic is for the government to tell them not to panic.

And all just for our amusement...

 One way to use your talent for realism to take the next step.

Eton must have a "Asshole Hand Signals 101" course that is mandatory...
"Meet me for a drink later? We'll let the commoners pick up the tab...as always."

If I were in war, this would be my transport of choice...
 No roads necessary. Could be hidden easily. Hundred miles per gallon. And it will keep you warm on cold nights.

Wouldn't you love to know what both of them were thinking...

Can you spot the less enthusiastic participant?

What the artwork is looking at...

Because I'm special, that's why...
Ladies, please. Can't you all just put this princess-for-a-day shit behind you?
We all know you've dreamed about your perfect fairy tale day since you were a child, but it's real life now and it costs fucking tons of money to fulfill that childish dream. Just let it go.

Worse pick-up line ever...

Shit you don't see everyday...

My Last Word...

I ignore every sentence that begins with the word “Technically.”


fejm said...

the harley wla gets about 37 mpg not hundreds.

Ralph Henry said...

I used an exageration the same way some people say "I've told you a thousand times..." or "There are a million cops surrounding the house..."
Get it?

Anonymous said...

Good response in return of this issue with firm arguments and telling all concerning that.

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