About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, November 15, 2013

FRIDAY #1813

Every wonder what old hippies look like?
My wife with some of her old stoner friends. 
Of course, all hippies do not fare so well...

We have been asked to pray for them.
You think that's gonna work?

Praying just makes you feel like you are helping while you are sitting on your ass in your living room.
No body....NO BODY...has been rescued by prayer...unless, I guess, you were praying for those rich people to start writing checks.


Got this from my traveling nephew: "The recorded TSA voice at the airport is Morgan Freeman.   Made me smile."

How could you NOT push through the gate to avoid that?


 The marriage of science and drugs.

Have you ever been so drunk that you...

 I pity the fools...
Is this really the way to raise a child? Seriously.

This, Happy Mutants, is why religion should be kept out of the classroom...

When I saw this next image I began working on a short story about called "World Religions: The Game Show".
I was going to have the figure head of every religion gather in a huge studio and then the host would give out awards for the most silly hat, the magic underwear, most pissed off, stuff that can't possibly be true, the laziest religion, etc...

 The beauty of the above image is that you can't find your own religion since they are all alike. That got me thinking about the game show and how everyone in the room would laugh at the Greeks for believing that their Gods lived on a mountain, but never bothered to climb it to see for themselves. Everyone but the Greeks would laugh...they would find no humor in it at all. The same goes for the Mormon's magic underwear and the talking snake of the Christains. All religions would laugh at all religions except their own.
But the short story wasn't going where I wanted it to go, so I quit, but here are some of my notes:
Zeus had a boy toy that he thought was pretty, so he snatched him up and made him into his wine bitch and kept him under his throne.
The Dali Lama is picked out as head holy man even before anyone was sure he could be potty trained.
Which religion did Charles Manson say was too crazy even for him? Scientology.

We used to take great pride in this...a country where anyone and everyone can make it...

Now the facts...

At any one time, 45million people in the world are drunk.

Was told of a woman who raised pet chickens for sale. She incubated the eggs tucked inside her bra....and that's true...

1997 - The year a garbage scow crashed into the space station.

The partially digested contents of a deer's stomach has a consistency and a flavor that is not unlike cream cheese.

Oh, my, just another bombing. Hair appointment, mustn't be bothered...

Lord Kitchener had four spaniels called Shot, Bang, Miss and Damn.

If you are going to have a heated argument with your wife or girlfriend, wait until breakfast. That way when she storms out, at least you left with extra bacon.

Imagine the play by play for this game....

When hardcore bombers grow up and have children...

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