About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Some more or less newsy shit...

These men have seen too much to be the same ever again...

Even after writing a dozen novels and countless short stories, I never like to call myself a writer…I’m a guy who writes….there’s a difference.

How to know, for sure, that somebody has too much money...

Fisting - now a two credit hour elective...

Another of the very first funny images I ever posted...

Whoever thought these up didn't make enough money...

This dog is deciding whether you merit survival...

I can't see those guns made on a 3D printer catching on. If HP made the cartridges, it will be cheaper just to buy an AK47.

I once had a gay waiter hit on me and it made my wife jealous.

 Okay, I'm impressed.

This is a 36 or so inch Ceyanne turtle shell death rattle...
 Many years ago, I laid my hands on one at a huge flea market that covered an entire drive-in theater in Asheville, North Carolina. It was magnificent.
I have worked with leather my whole life. I have aged leather, restored leather, carved leather and just about anything else you can do with leather, and this was old, very old leather. I wanted it.
The guy said it was $125. I balked. I had the winnings from my weekend poker game in my pocket...but I still balked. I tried to get him down to $100, he wouldn't budge and I just walked away.
40 miles down the interstate I asked my group to go back, but I was out voted.
That, Gentle Reader, is one of the biggest mistakes I've made in my life. I still think of it often.

This is the best I've seen in months...

 To me that's like art-porn...
 I have no words to express to you how beautiful I think that mural truly is. In my humble opinion, it's a masterpiece....and I don't ever know his/her name.


We Americans happily buy shit that we KNOW was made by children or prisoners.
Please don't try to convince me that we are more caring than all the other countries.
And it doesn't matter who's in charge...cause they aren't in charge anyway...

My favorite outdoor wintertime activity is going back inside where it's warm.


Goddamnit, at least they tried! THEY TRIED!

Schrodinger’s cat just answered his own fucking question…

When you see it...
 That's fucking impressive.

The other Mohawk...

If Justin Fucking Bieber can spray paint graffiti, then you might want to pick another hobby…

Answer truthfully, (yes or no) to the following question:
Will the next word you say be 'no'?

Please tell me it ain't so....

 Looks like a Cecil B. DeMille flick, but it's not...

One of the, if not THE, greatest military minds in history wasn't allowed to do is job.
 We won. Hoorah!

 Well, where the hell else would it be?

Just show him this clip and he won't ask for a jury trial...

I have sat and watched my daughter do this for hours...
 ...and on so many levels, it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

 Speaking of...

This made my asshole tighten up...

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