About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, February 7, 2014

FRIDAY #1893

Here at Team Ralph, sleeping is a real problem. 

Luckily (?) I had some predated posts in the can ready to go so when I got hurt there was something to read. I now have nothing in the can...what I discover one day you get the next. Kind of exciting that way, except I don't have the opportunity to add images that are pertinent to something in the can. Confused? Well, just be forewarned, the worse I feel, the fewer things I find funny, which only compounds the problem.
Anyway, give me a few days to get this dope out of my system and up and walking again and I can get back to the quality of blog of which you have become accustomed.

You know how stupid the average person is?
Well, half the people on earth are stupider than that.

I really like this guy's work...

You think that when the Chinese make the flop, that they forget to write Year of the Horse on their checks and just keep writing the old Year of the Snake?

There's always one person on the elevator who acts like they have never seen a dick before.

It has often be said that the reading of the bible has turned more people in to atheists than any other method...

One of life's truths is that it’s rude to fart when someone 
is crying.


The Winter Olympics is just 48 different kinds of sliding.

Some people think I am going crazy. The joke is on them...I went there years ago, fell in love with the place and decided to buy a condo there.

Shadows cast by cube...

Size of winter games overlaid on Manhattan...

Neither sleet, nor snow.....

You know that awkward pause when a buxom woman gets on the elevator and asks you to press one.

Ate a Fudge-cycle for breakfast cause I'm an adult who makes his own choices.

But soft, what light through yonder window breaks?

Dogs guard...cats just watch...and judge.

I once told a man at a party that I did murals with my own feces. I wanted to see how many people he would tell and he told a lot.

I'll have what she's having...
...and make it a double.

An award winner...
...and deservedly so.

This is a real middle name taken right off the birth certificate...

I've seen this look a million times...
This is the look you get when utter any word that rhymes with "treat".

How the fuck does this work?
Red and pink are both below average...but 95% of the country are those two colors.



Anonymous said...

Holy crap Ralph!!! Just caught myself up on the blog, I hope you're doing okay!! I'll be on the lookout for a gandalf staff... Miss you all!
^thought you might enjoy that.

Ralph Henry said...

I'm getting better every day, darlin'. Wife is great taking good care of me. Thanks for your concern.

I, of course, miss you. If you have any news for me, just put it in a comment and tell me not to post it. I sure hope internship is working out for you.

Anonymous said...

wait... in 1994 a rodeo clown wore a Bush mask? Clinton was President then.

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