About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


One of my therapists in the hospital watched me walk in my walker and urged me to make myself keep my foot straight cause I had been pointing the toe inward began explaining that the more you practice doing something wrong the harder it will be to fix later on. I said, "Just like Keyser Soze." Then I blew into my finger tips and added, "And just like that...he gone."

I have to get the fuck up and walk around the house even when I don't want to. What scared me was that my wife would come charging around a door way and knocking my ass down. So, I sat her down, told her what I was about to say was important, and said, "So you will know I'm up and about I am going to shout out 'Sick man walking! Sick man walking, here, Boss!'. When you hear that just be a little careful. Do you understand?"
She did.
So that afternoon I got up, walked halfway to the hall door and shouted "Sick man walking here, boss!"
Instantaniously, my wife came busting through the door to see what I was yelling about.
The best laid plans.

On Wednesday's, the most read newspaper in my my area, The Free Times, comes out with the New York Times crossword from the prior Sunday. I usually sit at my favorite bar and work on it starting around 11am. Well, this morning my wife went outside, and found a copy of the newspaper on the back porch with this note:
And Free Times has no home delivery.

If I suddenly go off the air, don't worry about me. I'm having computer WiFi problems.

Makes you want to run out an buy one, doesn't it...
 ...a camera, that is.


If we let the bastards have their way...

Truer now more than ever.

Ran across this tid-bit the other day:

What was really sick-making, though, was [the] easy assumption that creativity was a thing our society valued.

for all its reverential talk about the rebel and the box breaker, society had no interest in new ideas at all unless they reinforced favorite theories or could be monetized in some obvious way.

First make sure you know what you're looking at here...
 And those people are life-sized...

These two fuckers are going after each other tonight...

I didn't know this...

Science fiction can, and should, be about reimagining social possibilities, not just blowing shit up in space; however, if you can reimagine social possibilities while blowing shit up in space, I am all for that.

 Figure this out for yourself...

Last April a group of snipers cut the phone lines and internet access near a major electrical substation in San Jose, California, and then fired on the substation for 19 minutes, knocking out 17 transformers. Some experts are worried that it could have been a dress rehearsal for a larger attack.

 Rather clever ruse, actually.

Have you ever tried to take a shit while looking into someone's eyes? 

This is the perfect illustration to show the three types of people in the world....
You have the two women in the third seat, who think that having fun is sinful and to display evidence of mirth is the devil's work.
In the second seat you have normal people, who like to have fun...up to a limit.
In the first seat are people like me. They like to have fun up to a limit, also, but that limit is....well, they are still looking for it.
Can't we vote or something and just declare that no matter how big the new biggest hamburger is, the world doesn't care...

Adding your "name" to that of a thousand other unemployed young men is to me the same as a dog peeing on a sign post to mark his territory...

No, this is not an image about putting on too much make-up...it's an imagine about putting on make-up at all...
Have any of you women just stopped mid-application and asked, "Why am I doing this?"
Of course you have, and the answer came back that it was to make yourself as beautiful as possible. But then for beauty you use the standards written and periodically modified by the very fucking people that sell you the products "necessary" to approach a never attainable standard that is always shifting just beyond your grasp.

"All hail, Beauty."

We all know Satan Cults are weird...
 But not even they would eat a cracker and tell everybody it was the flesh of your founder...that's ritualistic cannibalism no matter how you look at it.

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