About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, April 21, 2014

MONDAY #1962

British Pathe just dumped 85,000 newsreels from 1896 to 1976 on Youtube under a Creative Commons license.
Poke around in there. The old ones are great...

My wife and I did an Easter egg hunt, but all the Easter eggs were shot glasses and they were all located in the kitchen.

My friend, Quincy, his wife and, of course, my perfect wife, Debbie, at my favorite bar...
He's a cop, and by all indications, a very good cop.

And it's my guess that if we have found this so soon after we seriously began looking, then there are countless other planets more or less just like ours, meaning people just like us are certain to exist.

Just another TV reporter's mishap...

I think I have a pornographic memory.

If you don't spend a lot of time browsing, you probably won't get this...

I was going to throw away my globe from the 80's, then I decided I'd just wait and let this Russia-Ukraine thing work itself out first.


I once painted a painting that look EXACTLY like the squares pictured here. I wish I had thought of the blood...
 - After looking at that for several days I am convinced that that IS my painting. I was so poor back then I had to use house paint that I would find on the curb ready for trash pick up.
The black lines between each color square is the pencil line I drew using a 6' metal ruler onto raw canvas. That would explain the spread pattern of the red. Each square was exactly one inch and the whole thing measured 6' x 5'. It was originally hung running vertical and horizontal.

Yeah, they're still working the kinks out of public transportation...

Never buy a used dream catcher from the flea market near a mental hospital.

My wife's idea of Spring cleaning is wiping the crumbs off the bed....and the used bandaids....and occasional scab.


And then one day you realize you're older and fatter than old fat Elvis.

No one knows if you're cool when you're a Jew because backwards yarmulkes look the same as normal ones

The church didn’t really like it when little boys had their balls chopped off, but the castrated boys sang pretty songs, so it was okay.

Sometimes I think to myself, "I know you can read my mind," and then look around to see if anyone seems surprised. You know, just in case.

I read that WiFi laptops can damage your sperm. But in my experience not as much as sperm can damage a WiFi laptop.

Sororities: it’s like Christianity with a better dress code.

I find this extremely provocative...
 But I wonder if the panties are going on or off.

People are less likely to think things are weird if their friends act like they’re not weird.

Goat worship in rural Ireland is exactly why Catholicism prospered there.

This is one of the most depressing texts I've ever read...

Please, try to explain these next two images...

Everything is politics. Especially religion.

Real headline...

How could you NOT read this book?

My friend is hosting a Japanese exchange student who adapted to our culture very quickly. Once a man said to her, "Have a nice day1" and she didn't....so she sued him.

This in response to the women marching against rape...
 Can I make fun of that? Fuck it.

Drugs Laws + Prison = System of Control for People of Color

You'd think at 32 years old Ryan Gosling would be Ryan Goose by now.

Yeah, artists have fun...

My wife couldn't go to Whole Foods because she couldn't find her Burkenstocks or cloth bags. 

Who knew?

Genius or idiot? You decide...

I have no idea why anyone would want to know this, but here it is...

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