About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Mexico’s 7.2 Earthquake at a Swimming Pool... 

This is not funny...
I included it because it reminded me of the time I took my family to the fair and won a HUGE stuffed animal within the first 30 minutes...which meant I had to carry the motherfucker around for 4 hours!
In a related and true story, a young friend of mine was in a restaurant/bar late one night and won a lobster out of one of those toy crane lift machines. When he took it to get it cooked, he was told the kitchen was closed, so he carried it around the rest of the night.

While scientists aren't yet sure of the exact recipe, they think radiation-blasted ice powered the chemical reactions that produced vitamin B3, or niacin, early in the solar system's history. A stew of dust and ice created key molecules for life in this planetary kitchen, which all later clumped into asteroids and comets.


Adorno never saw Drexciya coming.

This sandwich is made of an ingredient beginning with every letter in the alphabet...
You are probably wondering the same thing as I...Queso blanco dip and Xylocarp (coconut).

This really looks photoshopped, but they promised me it's not...

For Earth Day I went to the park and picked my wife some flowers.

I'm going to let these stand without comment...

Ever seen sound waves before? Look very closely over on the far right....

It is extremely hard to get a man's foreskin if he's not interested in giving it to you.

 This from the same memorial kind of takes the cuteness out of my cane...

People kill people in war because that’s what you do.

We have been fucking with Cuba for decades…don’t you think it’s time for a Plan B?

 Another OOMVO...

The Shroud of Turin was carbon dated to the 1400's, but there are STILL people who believe it's real. And if it's real...arguably the most precious artifact of Jesus' life...why was it never mentioned in the Bible?

 This guy further added that he wouldn't let his son smoke or take drugs or sleep around.....yeah, like you are going to get a REAL John Lennon out of that.

I saw a documentary about a prototype one of those in New York and the currents in the canal was so strong it broke all three models.

Visuals at their best...

Testosterone makes you stupid.

My friend, Kent, a retired newspaper editor, sent me an email begging out of our weekly get-togethers with this:

“…the next time I can make it, Darwin willing, is three weeks hence…”

Next time you make a mistake, remember this...

From a site of famous quotes...

 In his defense, he actually said, "We will out live you" and the translator got it wrong.

Every time I see this...
 I think of this...
Do we really need face decoration to broadcast our rank? Really?!

The upside of global warming...

The world's biggest oxymoron…civil war.
A total contradiction of terms.

Fuck these grinning bastards...

Many urban explorers look for shots like this...
I am more drawn to the details...
 If you don't think that is a great photograph, then you need to put that camera away.

And he will never forget the exact moment...

Who would have predicted that in 2014 the mirror would be the most photographed object in the world?

Well, somebody missed the memo...

Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Live each day like Maury told you it's not your baby.

Kids today...

Do we really need this?

In my quest to know what the photographer said to models...she probably wasn't told to look pissed. She's pissed for having to put the expensive heels in the pool...
...the expensive heels she was planning wearing home.

Artist superimposes live models over classic paintings...

Dueling at dawn was invented by a morning person.

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

A slight change to the lady in heels in the pool...

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