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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, May 11, 2014


I don't think most folks realize what a big deal this is...

Rio is not ready for the 2016 Olympic Games and the committee is seriously considering moving it to London…which won’t be the first time London took over for another city.

Rome was scheduled in 1908, but the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius caused it to be moved to London.

In 2012, Edward Archbold died from eating too many cockroaches at a cockroach eating contest.

In 1979, John Bowen was killed by a flying lawnmower during a football half time show.

Remember when the enemy was easily identifiable...

Clement Vallandigham died by shooting himself while showing the jury how the victim could have shot himself.

In 1958, Gareth Jones died of a heart attack during a scene of the play where you actor is supposed to be having a heart attack.

 My wife seems to take great delight in pointing out my spelling errors in this blog. I always put spellcheck on it, but miss the words that are spelled right but used wrong. Like yesterday I used 'overheard' when I meant 'overhear'. I am not a stupid man, but it is very easy to read through something and skip right over a word because I know what it is supposed to say, so my mind reads it that way.

Very interesting point...
 Did you ever notice that god is aways against what his adherents are prejudice against to start with?

Fast walkers were found to have lower mortality rates than slow strollers. Or people who exercise regularly live longer….That's because sick people neither walk fast nor exercise.
Fucking statistics.

Very understanding young woman...

I will state straight up - I support the eating of bugs...
 Expect to hear much more about this in the coming months.


Children given ability praise (e.g. 'you're so smart!') fixated more on errors and saw them more as personal failings linked to fixed traits. This led to lower persistence and lower self-evaluation, as opposed to effort praise (e.g. 'good work!') which was more motivating.

"Let's take a short cut over this fence," she said...

Swearing increases pain tolerance: people were able to hold their hand in ice water longer if they swore (this effect was reduced for people who swore frequently).

One of my favorite GIFs....wait for it...

After about 30 or so, it's a little distressing when your belt size matches your age.

A nice segue for this...
I own one of these machines...
Think only children underestimate its power?
I always like to power wash the walls before I apply a base coat for my murals. The scary part is when you are using a bucket lift. You find yourself leaning way out over the edge to counter-balance the force of the wand, then when you turn it off, you are left hanging out there too far. A smart person will just trigger the wand again to render him upright....but we are not all smart.

Tides in UK...

Pornhub graphic for number of trees they have planted...
PORNHUB…Where you can see more dicks in a week than a Babylonian prostitute saw in her lifetime.

The person who made the decision not to put serving size on cases of beer is my true hero.

(I have no idea what that means)

Ever notice that dogs love sticking their heads out of a moving car, but hate it when you blow in their face? What's up with that?

I looked her right in the eye and said, “It’s my new cape and I can wear it if I want to!” And she said, “Go home, Ralph, your wife is looking for you.”


Do you know why Crocs have those holes in them? That's where your dignity leaks out.

For the past thousand years, the royal families of Europe have routinely intermarried. Why? They did it to create dynasties and to keep the royal wealth within their families. The problem: Over time it can create a genetic nightmare. The poster family of royal inbreeding is the House of Hapsburg. Since the 15th century, the Hapsburg have intermarried with royal relatives in Spain, Austria, England, Hungary, Bohemia, Greece, Portugal, and Mexico. Somewhere along the line it created a genetic deformity called the “Hapsburg lip,” which then spread through the family tree. This condition, known as mandibular prognathism, causes the lower jaw to protrude in front of the upper teeth like a bulldog. Other common Hapsburg traits due to inbreeding: a large misshapen nose, sagging lower eyelids, stunted bodies, and hydrocephalus. This genetic disorder, more commonly known as “water on the brain,” makes fluid accumulate in the skull, putting pressure on the brain. It causes mental disabilities, convulsions, and death -symptoms the Hapsburg royals had in abundance. 

(fuck those bastards)

And this stupid bastard politely waits his turn to merge...
 Not me. I would have forced my car though the line...post haste.

Seriously....think about that a minute.

The ultimate optimist...

April showers bring May flowers, but the Mayflower brought smallpox.

Shit you don't see every day...

I'm done trying to figure out why Kansas and Arkansas don't rhyme.

 We humans learned to fly about a hundred years ago and very quickly landed men on the moon and send robots to far away planets. If, as one could easily assume, there are other intelligent beings in the universe, I predict one of the first things they would do would be to explore...send probes to Earth. 
But then there's this...
Theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking isn’t afraid of black holes, but you know what he's afraid of? Artificial intelligence. In his op-ed at The Independent, Hawking noted the release of the new Hollywood movie Transcendence starring Johnny Depp and Morgan Freeman and opined that Artificial Intelligence or AI has huge potential. Hawking called "success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history" - but warned that it could also be humanity's last achievement: One can imagine such technology outsmarting financial markets, out-inventing human researchers, out-manipulating human leaders, and developing weapons we cannot even understand. Whereas the short-term impact of AI depends on who controls it, the long-term impact depends on whether it can be controlled at all.

Another parenting tip...

Women were asked, "What’s one shocking thing about yourself that your kids don’t know?"
 You non-dopers have no idea how many "normal" people smoke marijuana.

Another ant hill filled with molten metal and dug up...

"Anybody have any plans to stare at their phones somewhere exciting this weekend?"

I watched a documentary about a bear control officer in Alaska. He took at Jack Russell dog with him. The dog would tree the bear, making it easier to tranquilize and relocate. Apparently, bears have an innate fear of dogs even though one powerful swipe of a paw could kill it. 

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