About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


I think this lady is a police officer....was a police officer?
 She might have broken her wrist. Rather stoic, though.
But seriously, what did she think would happen when she fired a shell as big as her husband's dick?

I'm not sure if people just stopped saying YOLO or if everyone who said YOLO has died.

I'm so glad I grew up when there was no way to leave a complete record of the stupid shit I did.

I don't see the big deal of calling a Pakistani a Paki. It's just the same as alling an American a Yank, an Australian an Aussie, a Scotsman a Scot or a Frenchman a Cunt.

Another young man asked me what it was like being married, so I deleted all the music on his Ipod except one song.

My wife told me to quit complaining about her swearing, cause when the swearing stops, the breaking shit begins.

We don't know what she's saying, but I bet it's funny...

If you brought the sun down to the size of a white blood cell, then brought everything else down to scale, the Milky Way would be the size of the USA.

My wife asked me how my foray to my afternoon bar had gone and I told her that for an hour I listened to an argument where one of the men said, "Are you kidding me? Harry Potter wouldn't last 10 minutes in the Hunger Games!"
It went downhill from there.

Researchers have discovered that America's obesity epidemic can be traced to one "heavy set" passenger on the Mayflower named William.

I had this in my One Of My Very Own file, but really, what the hell could I write to make this funnier?

Her look when you ask her to do that special thing you like so much...

A man should make at least one bet a day, otherwise he could be walking around lucky and never know it.
(I found that very, very funny)

If you say 'Beer Can' with a British accent, it sounds like 'Bacon' with a Jamaican accent.

Women spend so much time and money because they have been convinced that their life is one, long beauty contest...
Why else would they subject themselves to these torture devices....
When you think about it just the right way, these are just silly...

That awkward moment when someone goes to the toilet right after you have taken a shit and they come out without eyebrows.

That last "Take a shit/eyebrows" joke was not funny. I just put it in to show you how desperate I am for material. Send ANYTHING....I NEED IT.

Please...SOMEBODY, tell me that the creator of the entire universe wrote that.

Wife on our wedding night...

Ladies, these people think you are that stupid...

Is it just me or does political correctness come across as just patronizing?

College should have a class called “How to be an adult”.

How much not could a white girl can’t if a white girl could not even?

Case in point...

Masturbation is a lot like prayer; you close your eyes and pretend someone loves you.

Here's the link. Just try not to watch this...I dare you.

Is this true?

When mass murderer Ted Kaczynski was a 16-year-old undergraduate student at Harvard, he took part in a behavioral engineering project run by the CIA. It was part of the US government's illegal MKUltra project, which ruined the lives of many innocent and unwitting test subjects around the world.
The study was run by Dr. Henry Murray, who had each of his 22 subjects write an essay detailing their dreams and aspirations. The students were then taken to a room where electrodes were attached to them to monitor their vitals as they were subjected to extremely personal, stressful, and brutal critiques about the essays they had written. Following the psychological attacks, the participants were forced to watch the videos of themselves being verbally and psychologically assaulted multiple times. Kaczynski is claimed to have had the worst physiological reaction to being interrogated. These experiments, paired with his lack of social skills and memories of being bullied as a child, caused Kaczynski to suffer from horrible nightmares that eventually drove him to move into isolation outside Lincoln, Montana.


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