About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Thursday, May 29, 2014



Flash flood in the Balkans...this took five minutes...

I couldn't agree more...

I really don't have a dog in this fight, but being a public artist I have to admire their passion...

Advice to young street artists everywhere: Find something you care about - hunger, peace, poverty, corruption - and SAY SOMETHING with hat spray can.

From the mass shooting campus...

But not everyone took it so seriously...

Hey, we were the ones who elected a guy with no experience....TWICE!

Got an email from a report wanting information on a paddleboat that I put in one of my murals. I really didn’t know anything about it. Here is our exchange:

Her: I'm curious about the mural under the bridge. I saw where it was the Ruth II steamboat. Will you call me and give me a little background?
Me: Was given the image from the Historical Society or some such. I don't know a thing about it. Should contact them.
Her: Not a favorite project, I gather. Throw me a bone? I’m doing an article about public art?
Me: Sorry for terseness. Recently broke hip.
I was hired by (name withheld).
I sincerely don't know much about the boat.
Her: Heal.
(she out-tersed me)
It should be added that the reporter called my house first. My wife told her that I don't talk on the phone, thus she emailed.

Is it true what they say about nine foot robots?

Want to guess what this is?
(answer later)

You have to read this in a British accent...
...and you did, too....didn't you?

This is very nice...
...but I would have used manifold pipes for drain.

Don’t take advice off of the internet because it will most likely contradict itself.

Can you imagine traversing this thoroughfare every day to and from work? I like that very much.

Apparently it is now socially acceptable for males to put on lip balm in public.

You can tell whether you are in North or South Korea by looking at the moss on trees. If people are eating it, you’re in North Korea.

Might want to read the description before you spend time on the clip...

Sometimes I wrestle with my demons.

Sometimes we just snuggle.

I withdrew my application for Starbucks when I found out they have strict policy against jacking off in the Pumpkin Muffin batter.

No matter how you cut it, this is gambling...no more, no less...
But in my state I can be raided and arrested for having a friendly poker game in my garage....it has happened more than once. Go figure.

And how is the idiot going to get back?

In China you can rent a girlfriend for $31 a week.

People are so miserable that they perfer nonexistence over life, and all they can think about is who god will judge them. I pity the fools.

Orgy Rule #1: You never know who’s in until you ask.

I pride myself in changing when proved irrational...

I don’t get it. People hate spiders, but love Spiderman. They hate bats, but love Batman.

I eagerly await Swine-Flu-Man.

(that was so fucking lame....but I have a rule...to post every OOMVO I create just to prove that from time to time we all suck)

Not sure if it was a drunk driver or a woman.

From a teacher to a student...

Four is the only number that has the same amount of letters as its actual value.

I love this country so much I piss red, white and blue. My doctor said it was pancreatic cancer and I told him to SHUT HIS COMMIE MOUTH.

I read words of inspiration like that all the time...most from Christians. It's all rubbish. The author has no idea whether I have good days ahead of me.

I'll take Stupid Things People Do for $500, Alex...

To function properly, the brain requires a lot of protein. Maybe that’s why all vegetarians appear rather dimwitted.

 As I understand it, the wall was not so much defensive as it was a declaration of border. The Romans held the land to the right and the fearsome pagan the land to the left.

If the Climate Change argument sucked any harder than it does, I'd orgasm.

Think about this - There is an operation that can make a woman's vagina tighter. If a man suggests that his wife have that procedure, he would be considered crass.

But if there was a simple operation to make a man's dick longer or thicker, there would be a line out the fucking door and around the block!

Bar has never cleaned up the candle drippings...

 Oh, he just smells your menstral fluids...
Me thinks she protests too much.

A coloring book for the rest of us...

This is the original of that first image...

Not much for ancestor worship - spending countless dollars and time tracing you ancestors back as far as possible. What difference does it make if your great-great-great-great-great grandfather was on the Mayflower or was hanged for murder? What's that got to do with you?

Which brings me to Australia. Think about that a minute.

No matter skin color, sexuality or race, we are all human beans capable of mistakes.

"Now give me a natural look."

Oh, my....
There was a large collection of models with live snakes. Don't know why.


Robin said...

Being British, I read all the captions with a British accent!

Ralph Henry said...

Nobody's perfect, Robin. Don't be so hard on yourself.

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