About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 9, 2014

MONDAY #2010


 I personally know a young Baha'i woman held in an  Iranian jail for the sin of teaching girls. I had no idea that her religion was my state's second largest.
(sorry for the quality of the graphic)


I read a large photo essay that featured dozens and dozens of these type images from Google Street View from Detroit....

 This is a national disgrace...

 Can you imagine that! A government that allows you to do with your life that which you prefer.



See that house that survived despite almost constant bombardment...
 I can't be absolutely sure, but I think it was turned into a hotel and my wife and I stayed there once.



 I will smugly remind you that I have posted my views of how I cringed many times knowing what was depicted could never happen in space.

I just bought a round of shots for everybody, but they're being totally ungrateful and saying they don't even have tetanus.

There's a double negative gag in here someplace...
 ...but you have to admit, it is confusing.

Some people seem to transcend race...
Seriously, nobody sees any of these men and automatically thinks "black guy". I think it has to do with being very, very good at what you do.

Whoever said "talk is cheap" never dialed 1-900-WET-GIRLS at $3.99 per minute.

Am I the only one who thinks about advanced civilizations still having meetings...
I also think about so brainy "perfect" beings still having to wipe their ass and pick food out of their teeth and scratch itches they got from that one night stand in Andromeda.

 Damn this looks fun...

All computers are just carefully organized sand.

- Humans

 Haven't discussed this lately...
 As so many things in western civilization, I'm afraid that the cutting of baby boys is done for cosmetic purposes...to make them more attractive. I find this appalling. What next...nose jobs before their first birthday?
It is admitting that life is just one long, long beauty contest.

All humans are just carefully organized blobs of carbon.

- Computer

Old man trying to "crank" a vacuum cleaner...

I am very comfortable in my adequate sufficiency.

That is true, you know.

 Smartasses. You gotta love smartasses...

The most embarrassing nickname ever was “Fire Crotch”.

One Of My Very Own...

Beige is not a color.

 This might just work...

I was present in the delivery room for the birth of both my daughters. I can attest that it was this intense...

The six saddest words in English: I still live with my mom.

Never turn down free food or free beer.


 Clever ad of what can't go wrong with a VW...

If you have ever taken any "Glamour Shots",  I will assume that you lost your virginity in a Pontiac Firebird.

Asian father's grading system...

Somebody, somewhere voted these the most ridiculous names last year...

Using a remote control is the closest most of us get to being wizards.

Pejac is a Spanish studio artist who also paints murals...
The bricks are painted.

Guy makes sculpture with rocks...
 No word on whether the objects in the "purses" are carved or placed there.

What a strange image.

There are whole film clips analyzing the "mysterious" glint off that rock on Mars...

Never date someone who calls their last boyfriend “psycho”.

People have been inventing ways to give their lives meaning for, oh, ever...
 Many people are so convinced that they invented correctly, that they become angry if anyone makes fun of their fabrication...
So, who gives a shit? Well, let's think about that...
Ignoring the fact that all that bullshit is just a choice is the greatest sin of all...

I usually don’t eat at chain restaurants, but even I have to admit that Olive Garden bread sticks are like angel dicks.

Chores done right...

Always pee first.

Pandas - the "cute" animal...

Ever wonder how those guys learn how to do this?
Practice....lots of practice....if they survive.

Watch the spectator on the ground...
My bet is that he's the guy who thought up this "plan".

Only take the naps you deserve.

A repost, but it is pretty cool...
Bull leaping...a hell of a lot more manly than bullfighting...

Serving size: 4.

Yeah, right.


M. said...

I have read hair. During puberty, everyone knew me as fire crotch. However, never because anyone had actually seen anything to warrant such a name. For all they knew, my pubes were black.

M. said...

Look... I support the owning of guns, but right now the answer the "Gun Problem" is More Guns. More Guns only means More Fear, to me.

Ralph Henry said...

Pics or it never happened.
Send photos.

Spider Borland said...

Hey honey, this creepy old guy on the internet is asking for pictures of my pubes!

Ralph Henry said...

Yes....yes he is.

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