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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

SUNDAY #2009

"Home again, home again, jiggity jig."
Great week at the beach, but now I'm home...where I am the happiest.
USA beat Nigeria in a friendly...but as we all know,  Nigerians are all malnourished and have scurvy.
Won a bunch of money giving all comers at my bar California Chrome and I took the field. I found it interesting that after all the brouhaha over the horse's "breathe right" strip, the jockey (in all interviews) wore a huge strip with BREATHE RIGHT in big bold letters. He must have made a fortune for that.

Storm blew through the island. Quite dramatic...

Here's that billboard that has been getting so much press...

 Did you notice who authored the quote?

Would you fuck with this guy? I didn't think so.

D-Day was all about logistics...
 Ike said that the number one thing that won the war was the 2 1/2 ton truck.
A couple of random images...


The Stupidity...
This from a congressman in the early days...
...and the media ran with it...
How many things do you believe...actually believe...that is total bullshit invented by someone with an agenda? I ask myself that more than once a day.
The Lies...

The Truth...

But some of us doubt the findings.

Can there really be that many people who have no other way to feed themselves?.............Really?!
 If there are 300M people in the US, and 50M are on food-stamps, that means one in six are unable to feed themselves. I find that hard to believe.

Wait for the bonus round...
Oh, look....another...
The World Health Organization should look into banning those things. According to the internet, they are the number two cause of death or injury in the world....second only to animal attacks.

This is exactly the way I looked at my wife after she talked me into dining with a married couple I had never met, and even before the salad was served that friend looked right at me and said, "So, Ralph, have you accepted Jesus Christ as you Lord and Savior?"

Never knew that many civilians died...
I am assuming that the huge Allied Military deaths were Soviets.

This guy is having a reconstructed nose grown on his forehead...more common than you might think...
 I'll leave this without comment....
But the question begs to be asked - Why the forehead? I mean, why not the chest? I don't know how long that guy had to walk around with a dick growing out of his face, but I bet his social life a living hell.
I'm sorry, but that is one of THE FUNNIEST THINGS I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!!

 A man who respects his manhood...A LOT....


That is very true you know.

 Perfect badass thing to say....but, of course, I love language.

With my love of stone, I really should have been a sculptor.


Something I didn't know...


This would have been the perfect poster for that movie...


If I'm ever again asked if I have a hobby, I'm going to tell them "Mocking royalty."
 I just can't help myself. That any human being is automatically considered superior to every other human being because of an accident of birth? Surely you jest.

I find it interesting that in America you are damned for being too fat OR too skinny...
Can we just move past this judging thing?



17-GIGAPIXELS image. Click anywhere and you can zoom in to incredible detail.


longcat said...

I don't think it's 100% accurate to say that all of those people are "unable to feed themselves." My family was shocked when my nephew mentioned that he was on food stamps. He had a job as a waiter and worked as many shifts as he could, while he took college courses during the day. He also had a car payment (a used toyota). While he could feed himself on his wages, it wasn't enough for 3 meals a day. He used food stamps to supplement. If the cost of food (or cost of anything) goes up while wages stay the same, it makes sense that more people would need supplemental food assistance.

I love your blog, btw!


Ralph Henry said...

"If the cost of food (or cost of anything) goes up while wages stay the same, it makes sense that more people would need supplemental food assistance."

Agreed. Almost like it was planned that way.

I read: "A company that pays their workers so little that those workers have to ask for food stamps, it is the COMPANY who is getting the government assistance."

Anonymous said...

the pud on the forehead is stupid...it should be on the chin

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