About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


The beach on which I am currently situated runs more or less east/west, which means when we look out we are facing south. 


I have no idea who this man is, but the accompanying photo of his death announcement I found intriguing... 


 And to illustrate the boys....prowess, I offer a totally unrelated image....look carefully...


Not that newsworthy except for the fact that she is from my home state...


I did not write those words, but they reflect my sentiments exactly...
Note from Folio Olio to my many Ukrainian viewers:
You guys got fucked. We know it. You know it. But try to understand that this is not our fight. I wish you the very best and mean no malice, but we are just ending over a decade of our young men and women dying to "save" other people's countries and we are tired.
Try not to get yourselves killed. ***********



Zlatan Ibrahimovic, soccer player...

The last chair in which Abraham Lincoln ever sat...

 How did it happen that being different is considered a bad thing? It's like the Bodysnatcher pod people. Can we just all agree we ARE all different and embrace that?

Things said to be true....
I take such a medicine. The warning was given me rather casually, "Oh, by the way, don't eat grapefruit." I think I should have been shown an awful movie or something, or had it tattooed on my arm or at least a bracelet to remind me.

A repost to again voice my opposition against zoos...

I showed you this the other day...
 But I really didn't understand how you use it. Now I do...
 And now you do, too.

Squint your eyes and the brain does the rest....

But nowadays, you say one offensive (stupid) thing and the world fires you. I can state as a certainty that every American - black and white or whatever - has uttered the word nigger before. Every single one of them. Now when we find out, we (the same people who also have said it) are "outraged"!
I hate hypocrisy.

I had no idea...


Yes, there are other artists who care about the Big Brother mentality...

 The "Have" "Have Not" divide in Mexico city...

This is fucking amazing...

Because we can, that's why.

 Some things that may be true...

 Damn! I bet that hurt!

How we know that Thailand will never conquer the world...

This man keeps a pet snake on a chain in his back yard...

 No? Have you ever been to Walmart?

"You want me to take off my clothes and stand where?"
 "Just for a photograph?"

You gotta love this guy...

 I believe that.

 You think that's true? We are so thankful that we are "allowed" to access the technology that WE PAID FOR, that we give away our RIGHT to privacy? Well, I don't.
Viva la revolutionaries!


Spider Borland said...

The Privacy/Technology scale made me really giggle and reminded me of this:
"Well, it's better than flying"

Anonymous said...

Regarding grapefruit and medications...
Grapefruit has a natural chemical that inhibits the body's ability to eliminate some (but not all) drugs, which leads to higher blood concentrations of drug than would be seen if grapefruit juice was not consumed (specifically, GFJ inhibits 3A4-mediated metabolism of drug by gut epithelium, thereby resulting in a higher fraction of drug entering the bloodstream after each dose). Because some drugs have the undesired ability (at very high concentrations) to inhibit the normal electrical activity of the heart, this could be a potentially life-threatening drug-food interaction. You are wise to listen to your pharmacist on this one.


Ralph Henry said...

So where's my tattoo warning? And it ought to be free!

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