About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


I find it interesting that I simply don't get some foreign humor. Any of you Canadians want to help me out here?

For you people who are actually paying attention to my ramblings, I have bet money that Spain will take the World Cup trophy...again. If you watched Spain's embarrassment yesterday, you know why I've been throwing up all evening. It was.....awful. I did win money on the Chile win, but that is small consolation to losing the big prize.

Two about seals...
 Life IS NOT easy for a seal...
Turn off the light, the party's over.

5.55 seconds...
My take: My record for solving a NY Times Sunday Crossword is 43 minutes. But it was one of their easier puzzles. I can only assume there are "easier" cube configurations.

How cultures vary on various topics...

 Or, Why Pakistan will never concur the world.

 I read that the reason they ride all over the train is because there simply aren't enough trains, NOT to avoid paying.

This looks exactly what it was like when I walked across the traffic circle to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris...
I later learned of the tunnel under the highway.

What every old-timer did during the war...
 ...according to the old-timers.

 I had a math teacher who used to give True/False tests, but he would subtract the wrong answers from the correct answers. He explained that just by marking them all True you would get a 50, without knowing ANY answer.

 One Of My Very Own...

 My mantra...

I don't know why it shocks me that this woman is a drop dead beauty....and I might add, without the aid of make-up. 

What do these two people have in common?
They are both cultural elites...citizens of the world.

What a wonderful thing...

That explains the graffiti on the cave walls.


I have noticed this...
I have actually observed this first hand.
I also think that excessive nodding is a signal that means "It's my time to talk".

I found this rather humorous...

It's a metaphor...

A burden some of us must bear.


You do not even have to like children to smile at this...

When my wife told me she was ready for anal...
 ...then buckled on a strap-on.

Modern medicine...

 Can we assume the last category is a life-long politician?

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