About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

SUNDAY #2016

I think the whole world hates this part of soccer...

Never thought of it just like that before.

Meanwhile in Brazil...
 Yeah, that ought to calm him down.

Mexico - Cameroon...

The only thing we can all be thankful for...these things have forever been banned from the earth...

This woman is dead.
 Seriously. This is the way she was displayed at her funeral.

What a mess...
We all feel sorry for a child who fled their homeland because they feared for their life. But if we allow several thousand, then next year there will be several million...then what?

Well, it looks like the French have given up their status as world class surrenderers to the Iraqis, who wear civilian clothes under their uniforms for....you know....in case somebody shoots at them..

Photographer photographs woman's butt after sitting on various surfaces...
 This one rung a bell...
 I knew a guy in the military whose ass looked just like that from sitting on a hot floor furnace when he was a toddler...

Maybe Skynet is already self aware and it's just acting slower than we thought it would...
 And its weapon of choice is that traffic gate.

 There is hope that jellyfish can be used for human brain disorders.

One Of My Very Own...

I would bet money that there are meteorologists out there 
who have stood in front of the green screen and pretended
to jerk off Florida.

The Most Dangerous...
 The Safest...

 I stole that quote from an actual tweet sent by a guy.
I just thought having Hitler say it would be some righteous shit.

This is so wonderful...
 ...I don't care if it's true or not.

This dog is being "walked" by a drone....
 The guy just programs the route on his computer...
No word on what happens when a car comes. 
Also no word on whether the guy ever gets out of his chair.

90% of being a dad is yelling about doors being left open while the air conditioning is running.

This is kind of silly... 
 ...but kind of true. I loved it when my wife used to ask me what I was thinking about and I said, "Nothing", and she said, "No, really. What were you thinking about?"
Ladies, many, many times we men really aren't thinking anything...like blank....coma blank. Zero neurons firing.

I knew that caravans of prostitutes followed both armies during the Civil War, but this guy took his whole family...

Why there should always be a delay on live broadcasts...
By now this is very, very dated. I should have put it as a Newsy Item, but I had no idea it would go viral.

I think stepfathers ought to be called “faux pas”.

Photos you have to look at twice...


There really wasn't anything odd about that photo of me above...I was just fuckin' with you...except maybe I'm not on the computer...which, nowadays, is rather odd.

This last section is part of my ongoing quest for
Shit You Don't See Every Day (SYDSED)...
And that bitch is thinking 'Which should I re-eat first."

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