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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


My young friends are at it again for each USA victory...
I'm abuzz with World Cup comments.
Superstars Mopastars...
********** After Japan's game, the Japanese fans cleaned the stadium...
********** I took Ghana over USA to all comers and lost a fortune...but it was worth it.
One beautiful young woman didn't want to take the bet because she announced, "Ghana is a huge favorite." I asked how she knew that so quickly and she said, "I have an app."
This teenager as AN APP to tell her if she should or should not take a bet!!!!
********** Another young woman had recently lost her mom. Her dad gave all of the children a pendant with the dead mother's fingerprint etched into it. It was stunningly beautiful.
********** After watching soccer for days, I have confirmed what I posted years ago...."Hey" is THE most universal word. Just watch the players.
********** Afternoon-Evening-Night: There should be an official time when these disignation change. I think Afternoon is anytime after noon. Night is when it gets dark. But where does afternoon stop and evening begin. Shouldn't we standardize this?
********** My bet is that that pig knows what the word "slaughterhouse" means...
 I wish the little bastard the best.

What we have here is a failure to communicate...

And then Rock n' Roll happened.

There is a whole website dedicated to weird realtor photos of homes for sale. This is my favorite...

P.U.S.H. – Pray Until Something Happens

(my friend saw that on a sign in front of a church - talk about a self-fullfilling prophesy)

Give that man a raise!

Trying to look innocent is a fulltime job.

It really doesn't take much to entertain men...
They have probably been like that for over an hour.

What does this say about us?

Since 2000, prevention and control measures have reduced global malaria mortality rates by 42%. Go team human!


Dave Chappelle on Leaving TV: "I Didn't Quit, I'm 7 Years Late to Work"

Senph42 will like this...

If you drink enough wine, it tastes like love.

That moment when your wife suddenly starts being nice to you for no reason.

Donald Southerland at the end of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"....

GUNS DON’T KILL PEOPLE – George R.R. Martin Kills People

This actually made me flinch...

Petting a dog counts as partying.

 I don't think most Americans have any idea what rights they have. I will assure you, that if a policeman asked me if he can search my house, I will say, "Sure. As soon as you show me a warrant."

My wife needs one of these shirts...

Back in my day, trolling was just called being a dick.

One Of My Very Own...

“What the fuck were you thinking?”

(Yeah, us married guys hear that a lot)

Look at the expression on the dog's face...

Eyebrow gaps are so much more important than thigh gaps

How to lose your job in one easy step...

 The first thing I noticed about Germany was that they had no door "knobs". They have the lever type that I found far superior.

Get it?
 Think Mike Tyson.

They have one of these in my area...
It's a train assembly area where they line up the cars as to where and when they get dropped off.
Why it's in an urban environment is beyond my understanding.


This took me longer than it should have...

Ever notice how nobody wants to tell you their middle name, like it’s a nuclear launch code or something.

Flames on the side of your car screams I want small children to think I’m badass but I want parents to know I’m not financially stable.

What a great idea! Photographs people and then uses our old friend juxtaposition....

I thought they are all great!

From a show on earthquakes: “There would be aftershocks that would take place afterwards.”

Waiting for someone else to make you happy is the best way to be sad.

Sometimes I don’t handle things very well.

This is TRUE...

Subtle, this...

Japan doesn't fuck around with sizes...

Life is fair insofar as it’s unfair for everyone.

Sometimes the thoughts in my head get so upset that they go for a dash out my mouth. Seldom is this a good thing.

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