About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, June 16, 2014

MONDAY #2017

It is becoming more and more difficult to prepare the daily blogs because of the time I spend watching the World Cup. The images were collected days if not weeks before, but the comments are becoming bothersome. So have patience with some brevities from time to time.
Thank you for your understanding.
Oh, no! It's time to buy all new suits!!!
Am I the only one to noticed that the Italian commentators for the World Cup all have suit coats with a SLANTED breast pocket? Well, you might want to be the first one in your office to buy one, because soon you will be SHUNNED if you have the old-timey, level pockets.
And always remember, that one fashion guy in Rome knows best what's appropriate for you. That he also SELLS the suits should have no bearing on your fashion mandates.


There will come a day when I update Adobe, 
but this is not that day.

What a wonderful idea...

I hate it that I’m not fat or ugly so people always sit next to me on public transportation.

I once told my daughter that she was actually a monkey that I captured and shaved.

One Of My Very Own...

A friend dropped his iPhone on his iPad screen and cracked BOTH.
(now THAT is a first world problem)

Looking at some parents and their children, I guess diabetes is contagious.

Why the hell not?

There are over 1 billion Chinese people, but I have never seen a pregnant Chinese woman.

Let’s play a game. Let’s see how long we can go without flossing before our teeth fall out.

These things will change our lives...
This one drops life preservers to stranded swimmers...

If anyone ever says “ What about when you get older” referring to your tattoo, trust me, an old person, you will have WAY more serious things to worry about.

I once Google searched “Things that can not be learned” and didn’t learn a thing.

Did you notice the woman in glasses in the lower left? 

In the US it’s impossible to be more than 107 miles from a McDonalds, but you can’t even Google Map a dam mineral museum.
- Bill Nye

Like silence? Drop this in the middle of ANY conversation:
 “Well, tickle my anus and call me Samantha.”

TRUE: My young daughter came home from school one day and declared that she had read every book in the school library. At that moment I knew I had done something right.

A dog gym...
Check out the one on the far left....that's me.

It’s not quantity; it’s quality…except for fried chicken.

Frozen blood...

Germany’s age of consent is fourteen. 
It’s like the Alabama of Europe.

We've all had "friends" like that.

Dogs have owners. Cats have staff.

Stuff like this fascinates me...

This is the actual internet find that began my One Of My Very Own career...so many years ago...
My files for potential images is still labeled "Angels" and possible quips "Angel Words"...all because of that lame gag.

If your semen could be any color you wanted, what color would it be?

Facial expressions...

Instead of going to Starbucks, I make my own coffee, yell my own name incorrectly and set a $5 bill on fire.

SAID TO BE TRUE: Athletes who drank two cups of natural watermelon juice an hour before exercise had less muscle soreness 24 hours later.

Good question...

Girls who had been 'labelled' at a young age as overweight by a parent, friend, peer, or teacher were more likely to become obese over the following ten years, regardless of what their actual weight was when they were initially 'labelled'.

Timeline of the causes of human death...
My bet is food and food additives...but my jury is still out.

Ain’t no poet like a suicidal poet.

Trainee drops grenade; saved by sergeant...

 How very, very stupid...

When angry, sea cucumbers blow their guts out through their anus.

That is a very subtle advertisement for personal lube.
And it made me smile.

One Of My Very Own...

If you read books during sex, 
you won't get venereal disease.

Algae grows in fractal patterns because of reasons unknown to me.

Who knew?

If Ford had kept up with technology like the computer industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1,000 miles to the gallon.

SAID TO BE TRUE: The Thai shrimp fishing industry is powered by a brutal system of slavery through which trafficked workers are bought and sold by captains who starve, beat and murder them in sadistic displays intended to inspire fear in the remaining workforce.

The #1 reason my wife acts like a bitch: I’m an idiot.

 How very true...

The downside of me staying informed is that I can spot the scientific mumbo jumbo in movies and it ruins it for me.

White people....jeeeez....

Many people use the existing flora in their artwork...

I think the Discovery Channel should be on a different channel every day.

Painting or photograph?

Fuck what other people think.

Bird shit in the shape of a bird...

If choosing the switch that turned on the light instead of the garbage disposal was a life or death choice, I’d still get it wrong every time.

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