About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Friday, August 8, 2014

FRIDAY #2070


Jerry Miculek is such a legend in the competitive shooting world that even Smith & Wesson created a gun in his honor. The same gun he used in this video to shoot a balloon at 1000-yard (914.4 meters) distance. The target was so far away that Jerry had to aim to the sky—150-feet above the balloon—to get to shot right.
(but it never said how many shots he had to fire before hitting the balloon. My guess is about 10,000) 


First Man-Made Biological Leaf absorbs water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen, may enable distant space travel.
And because it needs light to work, one possible use is for lamp shades...
 Or building covers...
Or covering a space ship with it.


I heard that they managed to do this with old "right out of the box" standard hacking tools... 

Speaking of...

Major Homeland Security contractor hacked, federal employee data likely stolen.


This is all over the internet so I thought maybe it wasn't photoshopped...


Rosetta spacecraft's OSIRIS narrow-angle camera obtained these close-up details of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko on August 6, 2014.


A U.N.-backed tribunal in Cambodia sentenced the top two surviving cadres of the Khmer Rouge regime to life in jail after finding them guilty of crimes against humanity for their part in the 1970s "killing fields" revolution.

(if you are not familiar with the things the Khmer Rouge did to Cambodia, you might want to look it up)


Here's a Free Range Child Rearing diagram...one of many that more or less proves the same thing...


How do I tell most of my content that it is adopted?

Nice idea for cabinets...
Several people like my idea of forested lawns instead of sod. First let me say that I know some kids need a lawn to play ball on and stuff like that, but 99% of front yards are for conformity only.
Then there are the people who say that trees take decades to get big enough for the desired effect. Well, how about not clear-cutting the land to start with. Build that subdivision around the trees. Problem solved.

I've liked money for a long time...
I started out cutting lawns, then moved up to delivering newspapers. As soon as I turned 16 I got a job in a grocery store. After the military I've had two jobs until I retired. Like I've said, I really like money.
(but both my jobs were teaching [which I loved], and murals [which I also loved])

I would be my luck that my thief would be a thirsty thief...

Fresh fish for breakfast...nothing better...
And when that fish woke up that morning, he had no idea what was in store for him. 

Remember when Alzheimer’s wasn’t funny?

Remember when Alzheimer’s wasn’t funny?

This should be in every women's port-a-john cause women would go in together and speed things along...

What’s the worst thing you ever did for money?

Oh, look, two new technologies meet in the wild...

As I understand it, landing jets hit afterburners whether caught by the cables or not for just such reasons as this...

In America the taste of bacon hides the self-loathing.

This was much more impressive full speed...

Why do they have 2014 in the date of birth options?

"Disobedient Objects" is a new exhibition at London's Victoria and Albert Museum on the role of objects in social movements since the late 1970s.

Angry sex is awesome.

I find that very, very funny.

I can tell a lot about a person by how they treat me.

A few T-shirts I kind of like...

My local grocery store uses four checkouts unless it’s really busy, then they use one.

I’ll probably die alone in front of computer pornography.

Presenting this again for my many newer viewers...
 Favorite joke: A masochist married a sadist and on their wedding night she said, "Hurt me, hurt me" and he said, "No."

How old will I have to be before I no longer need adult supervision?

I just got the pictures back from my wife's family reunion...

Have you ever met a person who you were sure had an IQ that was a negative number?
Of course you have.

How much practice....

I just want to die without embarrassing my loved ones. Like I DON’T want for them to have to explain how I choked to death on a saltshaker while doing tequila shots. 

Came across this and thought of OOMVO's...
 But that's not funny. Here are some images on which I would have placed the caption "You bastard"...you choose which one says it... 

Have you ever been kicked out of a Chuck E. Cheese just for hiding your face from the security cameras?

An Eerie Installation of 888,246 Ceramic Poppies at the Tower of London That Marks Britain’s World War I Military Dead…

Is the game “Follow the Leader” banned in Germany?

Snake porn...

I came online to check the weather. 
That was twelve years ago.

When are they going to pass a law making the selling of horrible guacamole punishable with jail time?

For the longest time, I thought Hurt Locker was a documentary about my high school PE experience.

A very weak OOMVO....
 Let's try this...

There's no way witnessing the birth of your child is better than seeing your luggage come out first on the baggage carousel.

Counter-demonstrations....a gift from god...

Remember when you used to wet the bed…and the wife got all bitchy and shit?

Unexplained clip...
I looked at that waaaaay too long.

If that doesn't put a smile on your face, then get off my blog...

The “Can I Speak To The Manager” haircut.

We don’t get smarter as we get older, we just run out of stupid things to do.

 Those are bats....at least, some of the ones that are still left.

One of the steps for making a fedora is to set it on fire...

Have you ever fallen off a toilet? 

 I found that very funny.

Did you realize that it was written into the Constitution that they COULD NOT exempt themselves from the laws they passed. But they do it anyway. And...we....do....nothing.


A new study describes a single question that appears to be nearly as accurate at identifying narcissists than a commonly used narcissist diagnostic test 40 items long.

And that single question is this: "To what extent do you agree with this statement: I am a narcissist. (Note: The word 'narcissist' means egotistical, self-focused and vain.)"
The parenthetical definition of narcissism is part of the carefully worded question, so the meaning of the word is clear and nothing is sugarcoated. Responders are asked to select a number between 1 (not very true of me) to 7 (very true of me).
The upshot is, if you think you are a narcissist, you are probably right.

1 comment:

Spider Borland said...

I heard that they managed to do this with old "right out of the box" standard hacking tools...

What? You mean like a computer?
See what I did there?

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