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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, August 18, 2014

MONDAY #2080

First off, the Chair of the Science Committee here at Folio Olio went nuts that I had screwed up one of their press releases.
This is Maryam Mirzakhani and why she is an extraordinary woman......
The non-issue that I mistook for an issue was this...
A leader in Iran sent this message including her without any head covering and it has caused a bit of a stir. 
But come to find out there are more women doctors in Iran than men. And there are more women members of Parliament than the US Congress.
But, you might want to research the Fields Medal. The word on the street is that Alfred Nobel's wife had an affair with a mathematician, and that is why there is no Nobel Prize for mathematics. The Fields Medal fills the gap but is only offered every four years...which makes Maryam's achievement even more remarkable.


Bill Gates ice bucket challenge...


Astronomers are keeping a close eye on asteroid 1950 DA, which is expected to give Earth a close shave on March 16, 2880.
The strange asteroid -- essentially just a half-mile-wide collection of rubble rather than a rocky lump -- could cause tsunami-like waves if it were actually to collide with our planet. Fortunately, the chance of 1950 DA colliding with Earth has been pegged at just one in 4,000.
(I don't know about you, but 1-4000 odds IS NOT acceptable)


 This guy will never go away...
 And remember, he has been mimicked all over the world....in English.


So a local business man gets his liquor store cleaned out, but he has insurance...

 And after restocking his store, the insurance company jacks up his premiums for the rest of his life. So he passes that onto his customers with higher prices.
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.


Got a lot of people lay the whole Israeli/Palestine problem squarely at the feet of the Jews....


Bonsai chickens...
 Yes, the chick was placed in the big bottle, then was fed, watered and allowed to mature.......that's some sick shit.

I wonder if anyone ever choked to death on the bullet they were given to bite down on. I would have liked to have seen that.

You might want to forward this to anyone that you think has the world figured out...
Religion, yeah, it's kind of like that...

My biggest fear at 18 was getting caught jacking off. 
Now I can’t jack off unless someone’s watching.

I think this ought to catch on just to remind people of what we are doing to our smartest and hardest working children...

Student debt is destroying a generation. We finally talked them into getting a college degree, then jacked up the price to keep them down for decades. That's bullshit.

Spreadable butter that actually fucking spreads! How hard could it be?

My local donut shop has a snack box to eat in the car on the way home before you start eating the other donuts you bought.

I bet Bill Gates can’t weld for shit.

(believe it or not, I wrote that BEFORE I posted the ice bucket challenge thing above)

 Your voting habits did this and you can not evade the responsibility...

Tucked deep inside my resume, I once declared I could drink a gallon of milk in less than 10 seconds.


Did you notice what that "tiny" thing did to that tree?!

By all means break the rules, and break them beautifully, deliberately and well.


Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?

A water bottle that fits in your pocket. Why did it take so long to realize this is a good idea?

We are all slowly decomposing.

Smart Bricks: Giant Lego-like blocks for buildings...
You might want to look that up on Youtube....I was very impressed.

Sometimes I swing by the police department just to make sure I still have the high score on the breathalyzer.

Old age sneaks up on you like a windshield on a bug.

Tucked in a perfect little grotto behind a waterfall in New York's Chestnut Ridge County Park sits an extraordinary phenomenon - an eternal flame. Fueled by the gas that leaks out from cracks in the Earth’s surface, this 20-centimeter-high flame is said to have been lit by the Native American residents of the area many hundreds, or possibly thousands, of years ago.

 How is it that I never heard of this? I so want to believe that's true.

If you were in jail, what would you do to keep the big ugly perverted pimple faced guy lurking in the corner away from you?

What’s your favorite drug you’ve ever done? How many times have you done said drugs? If you’ve never done drugs, then what’s your favorite soda?

 That we all can recognize that image with such brief hints still impresses me.

If I ever owned a boat, I’d name it the S.S. Stutter.

There are 350 species of shark…not including Loan or Pool.

Because I can, that's why...

An escape slide underneath the Grand Hotel in Taipei that was discovered after a fire in 1995...
 The question begs to be asked: Why didn't they discover this DURING the fire?

I joined an internet addiction support group….online meetings only.

One Of My Very Own...

Not One Of My Very Own...

No one is a bigger fan of sexual touching than me.


Shortest-known abstract for a serious scientific paper: only 2 words....

How much lube do you need for anal?

Today, someone called me antisocial. I told him to shut up and get the hell away from me.

They do this with their clothing....

No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.

Magic trick to fool dogs...
...and the mutt decided to not be impressed. Mutts are the best.

In my quest to convince people natural is better than man-made when it comes to back yards, I give you this...
 Then I came upon this image...
Woman in tent in the middle nowhere elects to read. Both admirable, but at the same time?

Ben Slow New Mural For ViaVai - Casarano, Italy...

This year I want Black Friday televised live, like The Hunger Games.

100% of all cults are just scams to have sex with teenagers…

August 9,1945 (20 minutes after) - Nagasaki...

The “B” in Benoit.B Mandelbrot stands for Benoit.B Mandelbrot.

Why people burn boats..

NASCAR’s Tony Stewart killed a guy…it was race related.

I find it ironic that when people die in stupid ways we call it “The Darwin Awards”, but when a young man gets out of his race car on an active racetrack and walks into the path of an oncoming car, people blame Tony Stewart.

Are you as good at your job as this guy is at his?

This is the perfect example of the "May I speak to the manager" haircut...

You can't say we haven't been warned.

I've come across some mighty strange comments about anarchy. I present them without comment, but would love you comments.

Any thoughts?

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