About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Sunday, September 21, 2014



Want to hear something scary?
 Somebody crunched the numbers and found that for the same age and demographics, the NFL players beat their wives less than the general population. That's a national disgrace.
In case you don't recognize that...
It's the Nobel Peace Prize...which when it was given was a farce. The man had done NOTHING to earn it, but that's another story.
I've taken the wife on a short roadtrip, so no time for as many comments as I would have preferred.

My wife made the reservations online and it was difficult because there is some kids' soccer tournement in town. So when we got here our room was 321. That, for you nontravelers, means it's on the third floor. The place has no elevator. I still have to use my cane so you can probably guess the mood I'm in.
Then I found out the at Gamecock game was on the SEC Network and the hotel doesn't have that channel.
We are leaving early.

One of the first images I found that let me know I was going to really enjoy the internet...

 Where do you think I find all this kind of stuff...
 ...because the internet thinks fables like that are hilarious.

If people could start listening to scientists instead of people who believe a two thousand your old book written by goat sacrificers, that would be great.

Yes, the believers try hard to give us their view, and it always comes down to tripe like this...
...or this...
 But how hard would it be to find out if that was bullshit? Well, how about doing some research and find out how many believers die of...oh...brain cancer compared to how many non-believers die of brain cancer. I can assure you the numbers are identical....I....FUCKING....DENT...I..CAL. What more proof do you need?
But I don't think believers care about...data...
 The words alone are enough...
 Yes, the word of god does expose us for what we are...
 Desperate fragile beings grasping for meaning in a universe that doesn't give a shit about us...

 Seriously, I have said numerous times that I don't care what fantasy you believe in, but don't come near my child with it.
I know (like this next person) you sometimes have serious doubts. You have been taught that those doubts are caused by the devil or some such shit...
 But the devil didn't create this poppycock...

And I know that you thinking something is true is very powerful...
 But basing your world view on just one of the thousands of invented religions doesn't make it true.
OF COURSE the bible has some great advice...like helping the poor and not killing or stealing, etc, but it is far, far from perfect.

Do you think I "took something out of context"? Well...
Here they are "in context"...
A few examples... 

 I have always contended that death scares the holy shit (pun and sarcasm intended) out of most people...
 And they will believe anything that tells them death is not the end...
 But we know now where every atom in your body came from and you choose to believe that a magic finger created it in one flick of "his" finger...

You can do better. Non-believers are not miserable bodies wondering aimlessly through life. We really, really aren't.

No, not really. I'm just happy. Normal and happy are two different things....thank god.

And now let's all have a couple of laughs...

Ever wondered why every invented god thinks so much about what lowly humans do with their genitalia? 

1 comment:

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