About Me

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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Monday, September 22, 2014

MONDAY #2115

If you kept up with the Vote No campaign in Scotland, you will know this woman, if not....nevermind...

My wife has very selective memories....thank goodness.

Tinder romance...

Google has eliminated the need to ask questions out loud.

You know when the wife gives you the silent treatment?
Me neither.

Speedrun: Space Odyssey 2001 in 60 seconds (Ep #13)

What continent do you think has the highest IQ?

A costume for a horse. Delightful...

That continent has a higher IQ by far over all the others.

Who would prefer this....
 ...over this...

That continent is Antarctica. It is populated almost entirely by scientists doing research.

Cool, huh?

Do you remember young love?
I do. Just like it was yesterday.

Stuff you don't see every day...

A speck of dust is roughly halfway in size between an atom and the planet Earth.

 I've read a lot about the evils of additives and such. I, too, would rather eat fresh home grown stuff, but it would impossible to feed the people in cities without perservatives and stuff.

The lines that separate lanes on US highways are 10 feet long.

Yeah, I would do that...

I bet selfies are going to confuse future anthropologists.

"And then around 2010 people all just turned their cameras around."

Fun with language...

The sight of my own blood hardly concerns me at all, but when I stub my little toe I basically turn into an old Italian lady at a funeral.

Mountain climber testing out his new tent...
As soon as they come up with a cure for dying, I'm going to try something like that.


What came first, the asshole or the BMW?

Want to guess what this is?
 Water coming out of a kitchen sink faucet.

This is what's left after a turantula molts...

I'm not right wing extremist, but...
 Working people now have about 50% of their earnings taken away by the government. Should that be the limit, or do you think it should be 60 or 70 or 90%?

 I am convinced that people will do almost anything to fit in with the crowd...
Most people, anyway.

Maybe gender reassignment should be easier?
Do advertisers think you are this stupid. Yes.

It's always the last place you look...

"Hey, Netflix, give me 2012 and 13 back!"


 For a study describing the as-yet-unnamed robot, the researchers tested the machine by making it trudge through a New England snowstorm, walk over flames, and having its "limbs" driven over by a car -- and, yes, the bot survived.

Do you think a couple has ever fired up an e-cigarette after sex?

I'm beginning to think that I am never going to be able to utter the words, "I'm commandeering this vehicle!"

Just another reason I don't take public transportation...

Taken to the next logical step...

Texting wasn't always easy. In my day you had to work for it. You had to want it. You need an S? You better click that 7 button four times!

Lying is like 95% of what I do.

One Of My Very Own...

Chances of the top ten NFL teams winning the Super Bowl...
 So, if you bet one thousand dollars on each of the top ten teams, you couldn't lose money unless a dark horse came out of nowhere, which is highly unlikely.

Who doesn't enjoy palace intrigue?

You're not truly a grown-up until you had Sponge Bob macaroni and cheese and a $45 bottle of wine for dinner.

 Yeah, US politics is something like that.

Here's a graphic comparison of the mirrors of optical telescopes since the Yerkes Observatory—a 1893 40-inch refractor in Williams Bay,Wisconsin—to the largest of them all, the 128-foot (39-meter) European Extremely Large Telescope at Cerro Armazones in the Atacama Desert, Chile....

At least they are trying to be different...

The longest straight line - you could sail 20000 miles in a straight line from Pakistan to Russia.

I will do a lot of things but admitting I'm cold to my wife who told me to bring a jacket isn't one of them.

The oldest map in the world…

I think a Columbus Day sale should mean you get to walk in a store and take whatever you want.

The Biological Basis For The Golden Rule

Neuroeconomist Paul Zak, author of The Moral Molecule, discusses the chemical reason why the vast majority of us feel good helping others. Those who don't? Psychopaths, mostly.


I think we tried that once and it just didn't work out... 

She ate her pass one at a time. ONE AT A TIME!

Got small children? Show them this...

Snow on the roof of a truck - 0; Bridge - 1....

I’m so sarcastic that sometimes I hurt my own feelings.

Supposedly the world's fattest baseball player...

This is a good idea....IF you HAVE to wear one of the silly things...

I’ve never had anyone pay to photograph my naked body.

Fashion we can all live with...

 Look again.

 This is the MacArtney 11kV, 400 amp wet mate connector, a plug "eliminates the need to bring cables to the surface by wet mating and de-mating cable infrastructure, wave energy converters, tidal energy converters and floating wind turbines." I just find it fun because it kind of looks like a regular 120v plug.

How to know you have too much time on your hands...

Preschool children with irregular bedtimes are more likely to develop behavioral problems (such as hyperactivity, or getting into trouble with their peers) at age 7.

Wondering how the rich just getting richer and the poor just keeping poorer? Well, the rich write the fucking rules, you moron.


marlinmo said...

I lived on an island(Annette)in SE Alaska for 12 yrs. The only way to go anywhere was fly seaplane or boat.We all hoped for the day of ferry service. They have it now. Much safer and more convenient than paying a fisherman for a lift or who knows what kind of pilot. Because not everyone can drive their own.

Ralph Henry said...

I thought you guys just rode a walrus or some such.

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