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I'm an artist, educator, militant anti-theist , and I write. I gamble on just about anything. And I like beer...but I love my wife. This blog contains observations from a funny old man who gets pissed off every once in a while.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014



But not all Americans are killing one another. When you look at the stats, you can pinpoint the exact neighborhoods were the killing is being done. Don't like being shot? Move.

Jasmine Tridevil, a massage therapist in Tampa, Florida, had a third breast implanted to get famous, land a reality show, and become "unattractive to men" because she doesn't "want to date anymore."
Further, she said she had to go to an underground surgeon to do it with a strict gag order so she wouldn't rat him out. And that there was no way to do a nipple, so she had one tattooed on.

 Map reveals that northwestern Europe and Korea are ahead of the pack when it comes to internet penetration, while India, Indonesia and much of Africa lag behind.

Pacifier use in babies up to the age of 6 months is considered beneficial. Prolonged use, however, has been associated with impaired emotional understanding in male babies because it disrupts their ability to mimic facial expressions.

Students who read a printed out story had a better understanding of the material than those who read the same story on a computer screen.


It's just so crazy to think that kids born in 14 will be turning 2000 this year.

If someone overheard in a bar says "my butthole is 28", what do you think that means...................exactly?

We all have bad days...

I wish there was a reality show where people learned grammar.

I have mixed feelings about modern medication...
I think my concern is that we think feeling powerless and confused is cause for drugs, when maybe we ARE powerless and confused because it a natural reaction to our present conditions.

The Beatles at Shea Stadium...

My book club evolved into a fight club so gradually I almost didn't notice

The sneaky devils are in heaven.

This has all the hallmarks of a very sad story...

 Of course, it won't remember a thing after 7 seconds.

In West Side Story, Tony yells "Maria" in a Puerto Rican neighborhood in Harlem and only one girl shows up.

A-10 Warthog cannon with 30 mm round...

Speaking of blowing shit up...
Looks like some sort of weird tic-tac-toe doesn't it?

I loved asking kids what they wanted to be when they grew up so I could get some ideas.

I wonder how many people even know that when I was in college that army soldiers slaughtered peacefully protesting Americans? And they think pepper spray is an outrage. 

You know how I feel about clocks, and art...
 And that is both.

These photographs by Rebecca Litchfield make it seem as if the apocalypse has come and gone and the world is in complete ruins. Not quite. They're actually photographs of countries and places that were a part of the former Soviet Union. The forgotten decay is haunting.
 That last unearthly (think Close Encounters of the Third Kind) looking thing was a sports arena.

Free shipping should be a basic human right.

 I had the high honor of watching a beautiful young woman practice Chopin for hours...
...sometimes naked if I asked nicely.

Delightful photo-essay of other cultures. Here were my favorites...

When I saw that last one, all it could think of was "Where will you be when the acid kicks in", because I'm an uncultured oaf.

I have a friend who started painting canvases of the back of trucks forty years ago, but amazingly, this isn't one of his...
 That may actually be the doors of a truck. I don't know...there was not info with the pic.

The most irrational thing I have ever allowed myself...

"Everything is a boomerang if you throw it up," is something you can inject into any conversation.

A great photo of Saturn back lit by the sun...
 How does Milky Way travel around the black hole in the center? I mean it's attitude. The Earth travels around our sun more or less equator first. Well, does the Milky Way travel side on (like a Frisbe) or flat on (like the end of a telephone pole crashing through you windshield)?

If you post a pic of the temperature in your car on Facebook the University of Phoenix will email you a Meteorology degree.
 Here's another image that begs for an explanation...

If Tinkerbell only needed magic dust to fly, why did they have wings?

I think this is in Norway... 

Okay, we all love animals and hate to see them go extinct. I get that...
Beavers were in danger once...
...but not any more. Now they are doing more damage than you will ever know and it is still illegal to kill them.

Life in the wild..

How hard must it be for an ER doctor to say "I totally believe you when you say you slipped, fell, and wound up with ______  jamed completely up your butt....again."

Yeah, that's how I look too when I watch my wife eat. 

By Kevin Francis Gray...

There is a huge difference between a Stone Mason and a Stoned Mason.

One Of My Very Own...

You think he actually said this? 
I rather think so. 


Senph42 said...

Not to argue, but that UFO looking building was not a sport arena, it's worse: The House of the Bulgarian Communist Party! Oh, and Bulgaria was never part of the USSR...

Drew said...

It's not illegal to kill Beaver. They have a season like any other critter. In SC the season is Sept 1- Feb 28, no limit. On Private land, you can take Beaver year round. Here in NC the season is Nov. 1 - Mar. 31. And year round for private land owners.

Ralph Henry said...

Drew, I had no idea.
I have a friend who had a small pond on his property that was blocked up by beavers and flooded his whole valley and he, I think, said he was not able to kill them.
I thank you.

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